Chapter 29

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I want to go to the library before I meet Jake for lunch. I want to start reading again. I love reading and it's done so many wonders for me as I live in a family full of drama, all 365 days of the year.

I park my car and make my way to the library entrance.

I walk straight to the romance section and browse for Nicholas Sparks books.

As I go through the summaries of his stories, I hear a familiar voice on the other side of the book rack. I move some books to see Jackson over the phone on the other side.

He seems to be really worried and is trying hard to control his anger.

I hesitate to approach him as he seems to be in a bad state. It looks like he hasn't slept for ages and his eyes have bags underneath them and his eyes are all red and puffed up, indicating that he hasn't slept for ages.

But what does such a person in his state doing in a library?

Suddenly there's a big noise and I turn around to see an empty book shelf on the floor.

But when I turn around, Jackson is missing.

It's just like those thrillers or mystery movies.

It's almost 11:30 so I take my books to the counter to get them so I will be in time for lunch at taco's.

I reach taco's and spot Jake near the entrance waiting for me.

I wave at him and walk towards him.

He gives me a warm hug and courts me to our table.

"Thanks for the lunch Jake." I tell him as I take my seat.

He's such a gentle man,he waits till I sit down so he can take his seat.

"No problem princess. So what do you want to order?"

"Well whatever you order." I tell him as my thoughts drift to Jackson.

Maybe I should have run behind him and checked if he was doing ok.

"Zoned out again, are we?" Jake chuckles as he gestures the waiter to bring our lunch soon.

"Not really." I tell him as I brush it off.

"Well I have another surprise for you today after lunch."he tells me as he grins so widely.

"I can't wait for it. You're an amazing friend. I'm just showered with surprises from morning." I tell him and our orders arrive so soon.

I am about to ask how they could get it done so early but I just start to dig in.

We share a comfortable silence throughout lunch.

Once it's done, he pays our bill and gives a tip to the waiter as he holds my hands and guides me to the car.

"Where's you car?" I ask him as he walks in the direction of my car.

"Mom dropped me as she had some work and besides my car has been given for service." He tells me as he opens the door of  the passenger side.

I get in and he gets into the drivers seat. I hand over my keys to him.

"Treat my baby well."I warn him playfully as I turn on the radio.

"Yes ma'am, what else?"he mocks me but I choose to ignore it.

I have no idea where he's taking me to but I just lie back and quietly listen to the songs and he doesn't disturb me either except the occasional smiles he throws my way to see if I'm okay.

After a 40 minute drive,we arrive outsider the circus in the nearby town.

I smile widely as I give Jake a quick hug before getting down.

"So I'm guessing the princess likes the circus." Jake says as he follows me.

"Yes, I've only come to the circus once when I was little with my mom and dad. Rosie wasn't born then. It used to be so much fun." I tell him as I see the excited kids gathered for the circus.

"Well I got two special tickets, shall we ?" He asks me and I give my hand to him and he guides me to our seats.

The ground is big enough and I can see some people training some monkeys before the performance.

"Your eyes widen when you get all excited about something." He tells out of no where and I hide the blush by pushing some strands of hair off my face.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask him eagerly for a response.

He stares right into my eyes.

"It's definitely a good thing. Your eyes twinkle too." He says and moves his gaze to the family who take their seats beside him.

"Shall we play twenty questions?" I ask him just like that.

"Well we can play 5 questions because we will have time only for that now."

"Okay! We can play the rest later. But 5 now, done?"I ask him and he gestures me to go first.

I think for a while before I ask him.

"Your favorite color?" I look to his side and he starts laughing.

"You took such a long time to come up with this question."he says in between laughter.

"Well I didn't take that long and besides we should start with easy questions."

"As you say princess ! My fav color is brown."

"Really? I have never heard someone say their fav color is brown."

"Well that's because I'm unique. Your turn now. What's your fav color?"he asks me as his blue eyes stare into mine.

"Blue." I tell him as I shift my gaze to the center so I don't get lost in his eyes.

And like that we asked what our favorite movie,song,actor and actress were before the show started.

Jake is truly one of a kind. The show was amazing and I was on my toes ready to get up and cheer. Jake watched me amusedly as I cheered for the various acts.

Author's note:

Happy new year friends! May 2016 be a joyous and successful year for all of you.

Enjoy reading!

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