Chapter 33

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"I call upon none other than Mr Sawyer."

My heart beats faster once he's done and I'm looking around to spot my dad anywhere in the crowd and he walks into the church in a black tux.

Rosie runs to him and he takes her into a big hug. I don't move from my spot.

He walks towards me and I feel like walking out of the church.

It's not that I hate him. But as his daughter, I had the right to know where he was and never once did he care to contact me.

"Sweety, he's coming for you. Stay strong" I hear Jake whisper into my neck and he takes a step back as my dad stops right in front of me

"India, I'm truly sorry for my absence and not trying to contact you even once. But I have something for you to show that I never stopped loving my angel." He hands me a white envelope and whispers in my ears,

"Open it later, okay?" And walks to mom.

He kneels down before my mom before clearing his throat to start talking.

At that moment, Jake holds my hand and gives me a small, assuring smile.

"Ms Marie Anne, I have done so many mistakes in my life and I would count leaving you for good as the number one mistake. I blame myself too for the marriage falling apart. But I am ever grateful to you for bringing two angels into this world. You have been nothing but a good wife. So how about we start all over again? Do me the favor of making me the happiest man ever by marrying me now?"

My mom wipes a few tears away and nods in agreement and the crowd cheers.

I don't exactly know how to react or how to describe my feelings. But I can say that I'm genuinely happy for my family now.

It's like the happily ever after is finally coming together.

"So, you happy now?" Jake asks me as we're swaying to the music on the dance floor.

"I'm happy, thanks to you!" I smile at him.

"I did what I had to do. I did it to see my baby smile." He leans in to kiss me.

And that my friends was my first kiss.

It wasn't passionate or that dream kiss I've been fantasizing over from romance novels and dramas.

It was special, it was real and it had love. That's all I needed.

"Mighty cheesy of you for a jock." I giggle and he gives me his signature grin.

"Okay, now follow me, I have something for you." He tells as he takes my hand and navigates me through the crowd.

We're in the garden and he hands me another white envelope.

What's with these guys and white envelopes today?

"Open this with the one your dad gave." He instructs me and I smile and take the one my dad gave to open first."

I open and it read;

Dear India,

We're happy to announce that you have got an early acceptance to MIT, undergraduate level. For further details, read the prospectus.

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