Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Hope you enjoy reading,'this is just the beginning' please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors. I will edit once the story is completed. Please do like and comment.


It's Sunday morning. I have no plans for the day. I have a quick shower before I go to see Rose. I enter her room and find her sleeping peacefully. I just pull off her blanket and she sits up immediately . I don't have to be over dramatic with Rosie. Like throwing a bucket of water or screaming in her ears. I know how annoying it will be if someone does that to me, I would probably go haywire on that person after. She's completely awake now, with a satisfied smile, I walk down to the kitchen. I see my mom sitting on the couch engrossed in the laptop. I make myself some hot chocolate and sit near my mom. She doesn't look away from the laptop. I clear my voice so she hears me.

"Oh good morning honey! " she greets me with a huge grin. It's very unusual of my mom to be this happy. Not that she's moody

"Good morning! What are you so into mom?" I ask her, sipping my hot chocolate.

"Well I have some news for you girls. Let's wait till Rosie comes." With that, she looks back into the laptop screen.

After Rosie takes her seat beside me with cornflakes. My mom looks up at us from the laptop and smiles widely.

"I'm going to get married." She's says with all her thirty two teeth on display. Rosie stays still, I drop my mug as the glass shatters on the blue carpeted floor.

I don't know what happened after that. But right now,I'm in Alex's house weeping to her.

"It's fine India. You have your own life to take care of. It's her life, she has the right to lead it the way she wants." She says,rubbing my right arm so I feel better.

"No it's not fine. I don't like it." I say in between tears.

"See India, marriage is not something that will always last for ever. Marriages break just like some relationships. Maybe she deserves this. Maybe your parents don't belong with each other."

I just snuggle in her bed as she keeps telling me that everything is going to be fine. I wake up after what seems like forever and see nearly 100 miss calls from my mom and like 30 texts from Rosie.

I open to reply to Rosie.

Rosie, I'm fine. I'm at Alex's. If you need anything, call me. I'm staying with her tonight.

Ind's don't ever do that again. You scared the shit out of me. We will catch up tomorrow after school?

Yes sure. I will pick you from school at 4pm. Stay there! I'm sorry. I was just too shocked that I didn't know how to react.

It's perfectly fine. Everything is going to be fine. Besides, we have each other always.

Well thanks Rose! :)

I don't know why people keep saying that everything is going to be fine. I wonder if they're convincing me or convincing themselves. It's 6pm and I have no idea how I overslept like that. Alex is not to be found anywhere. I go downstairs and spot her mom.

"Hey India dear. Alex told me to tell you that she's out with Blake and that she'll be back in an hour. Make yourself comfortable dear ." She says as she swiftly moves past me to the living room.

I just nod in response and make my way back to her room. I just want to stay away from human population for sometime.

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