Chapter 3

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Hey guys!! Im dedicating this chapter to my best friend for her constant support and love @sharanakshay. ILU!!!


After a long day in school. I enter my house and give a call to my mom and walk straight up to my room. I throw myself on the bed and pick my phone to text Rosie that I won't be able to pick her up from the central library. Rosie is my adorable little sister though we fight like Tom and Jerry. I love her and for a 14 year old, she's a great mentor for me.

Hey Rosie. I am so sorry I won't be able to pick you up, my car is in the service center. Text dad and tell him to pick you up on the way. Sorry :(

I scroll down through my notifications and come across this familiar name and I open it to see who it is from.

Hey India! This is Jackson. We met the other day!

Someone named Jackson has given me a request on Facebook. I wonder who that mystery  person is when I remember meeting him in the funeral the other day. I accept the request and  plug my phone for it to charge and head for a warm bath.

It's 7:40 am and I'm running late for school today. Rosie already left in her school bus at 7:15 am. I grab my lunch money from the dining table, car keys, my tote bag and walk out of the door ignoring the heavy conversation my mom and dad are involved in. It's disturbing to listen to their conversations in the morning. To wake up to  them everyday  has become normal for me over the 17 years I've lived with them. As always I zone them out and Rosie does the same with them. We're different from other normal families.

Around 7 pm, I go with Nathan in his car to the service center and get my car.

I love my Audi Q5, it was a sweet 16 birthday gift for me. If one person who knows everything about it will be my Audi darling, I may sound crazy but in some situations I end up crying to my car and making life decisions in my car.
Six months  back, me and Rosie went for a movie. On our way back, Rosie
as always wanted to have lunch and go. I wanted to eat in Mc Donald's but she wanted to eat in KFC. The mall was in the other side so we couldn't drive back so we can eat from both the places so instead I decided to go with Pizza Hut and drove to the near one . I know this is not a big life decision as it may sound. But for us, it definitely is.

I get into my Audi and start the engine and drive out of my garage and hit  the road. The roads in California are amazing, quiet and no traffic. I turn on the radio and my favorite song starts playing.

You're the light, you're the night
You're the  color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
you're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much ...

I sing the lyrics to love me like you do by Ellie Goulding on the top of my lungs. In about three to four songs I pull into my school. As always, me and my friends meet under the big tree  at the back of the school.  I walk towards it and notice Nathan are Alex are in a heated conversation while George and Janis are playing pen fight. I know that's not high school. Janis and George are just innocent kids still.

"Hey guys ! Hey specially to George, nice to see you this early idiot." I teasingly smile at George before turning to Nathan and Alex.

" I can't drop you today, Alex. I have to take my mom to the doctor today. She's  not doing too well. I'm sorry. Ask India, I'm sure she won't mind waiting for you till your practice is over" Nathan says smirking at me before walking off to Janis and George. I roll my eyes at his gesture. Nathan is silly but cute. He's more like a big brother to me.

"Hey India, I have cheerleading practice today. And my cousins have come from Australia. They've taken my car as their ride around California. You have no other go but to wait. You're my ride home. I love you" she says winking at me.

" Well do I have any say in this ? " I say throwing my hands in the air.

They day went as usual and its 3:45pm and I'm in the school gym, waiting for Alex to finish her practice. I open my eyes and i take out my ear phones as I feel movement near me. I see jake standing there looking a little embarrassed as he woke me up from my semi sleep and one direction marathon. I shyly smile and sit up straight. He smiles at me as a response and walks towards me.

"Hey! Im sorry if I disturbed you. " Jake  says while he sits in a seat below the row I'm sitting in, facing the gym as he drops his duffel bag onto the ground beside him.

"Hey ! That's no problem! " I say quietly.

"What are you doing here after school hours ? " he asks staring right into my eyes.

I blink twice before answering because he has the most amazing blue eyes  and brown hair and his facial features are godly. He looks flawless like he just walked out of a Abercrombie model shoot. Though he's just done practicing football which can be said by the way his hair is a little messed and he's sweating.

"Im waiting for my friend Alex to finish her practice. I'm her ride home." I respond after realizing that I was looking at him for a little longer than required.

"So you're the the London girl, who everyone is talking about?" Jake asked me grinning from ear to ear.

"What? Is that what I'm called? It's been a year since I moved here to green leaf. I'm no big shot to be talked about so much." I reply to him while he has his eyes glued on the gym seeing the cheerleading girls practice.

He laughs lightly before replying.
"Well that's what you think India. Green leaf Boys are apparently waiting to date you."

"Really? I'm not going to believe it. Even so, I don't believe in dating and one night flings."

Before he opens his mouth to answer, Alex comes walking towards us  after her practice. I wave a quick goodbye to him while he smiles at me and Alex.

"I saw the way you guys were smiling and talking. You two will make a cute couple." Alex says blushing and turning the cooler on in my car as its nearly summer in California.

"First of all, we were having a friendly talk. I don't know the guy at all. Second of all, I have no idea why you're blushing." I retort.

"You're denying dear. I saw that blush and smile on your face back in the gym." Alex says still not removing that smirk from her face.

I choose to ignore her and turn on the radio. I have never dated before and besides Jake is a guy I just met. Apart from the fact he's hot, I don't know much about him. Me and Alex do drool over hot guys now and then if we come across them in malls or the summer fairs.  But I've never dated where as Alex dated a guy four months back but he turned out be a jerk, so that didn't  last long. Janis on the other hand is just not into guys. She prefers good food, Netflix, textbooks. She believes these three things are enough for survival.

Author's note :
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