Chapter 31

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I actually want to get a gift for Jake for taking so much effort to make me feel better. So I decide to go to the mall before I go to work.

I have heard that he is a bad sleeper like its hard to wake him up. So I decide to get an alarm clock with the crazy selfie we took at the circus.

I also want to engrave something on it but what?

"Don't be predicable, the beauty of life is to unravel the cryptic fantasies"

I get it wrapped and head to his house and my work place.

I spot him in the patio, sitting on the chair and seriously typing away something in his phone.

I clear my throat to get his attention and he looks up and our eyes meet.

It's like the world freezes when our eyes meet because only silence follows it. Even if it sounds cheesy, that's the scene.

"Umm..good morning Jake!" I break his gaze as I get the gift from my bag.

"Hey India! What's that?"he asks me still looking at me. I try to ignore his gaze.

"Well this is for you."I tell him as I hand it over to him.

"Oh but India, what's the occasion?"
He asks me as he carefully inspects the gift.

"Well you're a good friend and I just felt like getting you something. So open it will you?"

"Okay princess!" He giggles before he starts to unwrap it.

I smile as I observe him. His hair is a little ruffled and his eyes gleam as he opens the present.

"Oh my, an alarm clock! How thoughtful India!" He chuckles.

He gives me a quick hug.

"Thanks India!" He smiles. But says nothing more.

The usual him would have said something but I give him a wave as I get to work.

I have to attend my moms wedding, that's for sure. I can't ignore this fact my entire life.

Just one more year and I'm out of this place for college. I just wish we could have those days back. My mom was my best friend. I used to tell her about the guys that used to hit on me. We used to go shopping together and gossip together like teens.

What happened to those days?

I slowly wipe the tears and enter Olivia's office.

"Good morning dear. I have something important for you today. Come take a seat." She greets me with a big smile.

"Yes Olivia." I nod and sit opposite to her.

"You have a new wedding to plan. It's my friend Amy's. The couple will meet you in an hour. Okay?" She tells as she stares at her laptop screen.

"But my mom's?" I ask her doubtfully.

"Oh that, we have others to do that. You don't worry about that dear." She tells as she gets up from her seat.

"But I want to complete what I started. Let those others plan Amy's wedding, please?" I ask her.

She smiles and nods in agreement. I thank her and leave to take care of the arrangements.

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