Chapter 10

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(F/n) is settling in her room so I took the liberty of making us some lunch. Normally we would have servants to do this for us. But I gave all of the servants a small holiday. So (f/n) and I are completely alone.

Now don't start thinking that my reasons for giving the servants a holiday are perverted. That is simply not the case. I just believe that I will have a greater opportunity to truly get to know (f/n) this way.

I decided to make (f/f). Seeing how that is (f/n)'s favorite. How do I know this? Well naturally I got more information out of Haruhi than (f/n)'s address and phone number. I also received common information such as her favorite food, favorite color, favorite hobbies and so on.

I was just finishing up the (f/f) when I heard (f/n) come out of her room. She seemed to be taken aback when she smelled what I was preparing. When I looked I noticed a small smile on her face.

"That smells really good Senpai!" she said when she entered the kitchen.

"Thank you."

"I never knew you could cook."

"Well cooking is a natural necessity to know. However not many people do. Of course I took the time to learn how to prepare simple foods, which quickly turned into more complex of meals."

"I am humbled by your presence Senpai." she said in an obnoxious voice giving me a fake bow.

I chuckled, "Lunch is ready."

"Yum!" (f/n) smiled and sat down at the table.

I brought the food out and we ate. It was quite good if I do say so myself. But the best part of the meal, was sharing it with (f/n). The way she smiled and how she always seemed so happy. I love that about her.


Throughout the meal I could feel Kyoya looking at me. At first I didn't think much of it, but now I'm getting a little uncomfortable. What is he looking at?

"What?" I finally asked.

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"If it's nothing then why have you been looking at me this whole time?"

"I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing that you need to be concerned with." Kyoya gave me a smile.

"If you say so." I just went back to eating.

When lunch was done I helped Kyoya wash the dishes. It was nice to see him actually doing some work rather than relying on servants to do it for him.

We finished the dishes and I was just wiping off my hands when Kyoya asked:

"Would you like to go for a walk?"

"Sure! Sounds like fun!" I smiled and followed Kyoya out of the cottage.

Karuizawa was truly beautiful! I love the fresh air and the scenery! Especially the onlooking mountains in the distance. Simply amazing.

We walked down the street and I can tell a lot of the girls were checking Kyoya out. Seriously? Have some self control. I mean he's not THAT good looking.

"So (f/n), tell me more about what you parents do for a living."

"Well my mom works the night shift at the hospital and my dad has been picking up work at the university as a substitute teacher."

"That explains it."

"Explain what?"

"Explains how you became such an intelligent woman."

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit, "I-I'm not that intelligent Senpai. I just get lucky with tests is all."

"On the contrary. You and Haruhi are the first commoners to ever be excepted into Ouran Academy. You were excepted for you intelligence, which would have to be nothing less than exceptional to allow you to enroll."

"I suppose."

"You really shouldn't belittle yourself. You are an amazing person, don't settle for less than you are."

I looked up at Kyoya. You're telling me he's the shadow king? He's too kind for that. At least, to me he is.

"Oh would you look at that." Kyoya said stopping in front of a cafe.

"Look at what?"

"I've never seen this cafe before, it must be new. Interested in trying it?"


So Kyoya and I went inside the cafe and took a corner booth. I sat down and Kyoya offered to go up and order some drinks. But I told him I would instead.

I was just about to go back to the booth when I noticed a girl there flirting with Kyoya. She was a skinny blonde with high heals and a very low cut skimpy dress on. Slut.


While (f/n) was getting our drinks a girl who was clearly desperate came up to me. Showing way to much chest for that matter.

"Hey there. Haven't seen you around here before. You here alone?"

"Actually I'm not. I'm here with that girl up there."

"The duff in the purple dress? You could do better than that." the girl sat down.

I could care less if she insulted me but having her insult (f/n) made my blood boil. But before I could say anything, (f/n) came back.


I walked back over in time to see the girl taking my seat and trying to get Kyoya to hit on her.

"Excuse me but thats my seat. And if you'd be so kind as to not act like a slut to my friend. It's starting to ruin my appetite." I said putting as much venom in the word slut as possible.

She scoffed and walked out of the cafe flipping me off.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side." Kyoya teased with a smirk.

I laughed and handed him his drink, "I don't think you need to worry about that Senpai."

A/N: Yay chapter 10 done! Remember to comment and vote! Love you all! Thank you so much for the reads!!

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