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Day eight. In kitchen. Kira started crying and told us all that she was pregnant. "I- I don't know what to do..." She sobbed. Jc looked at her and said "you could have an abortion or whatever..." Then looked at Kira. Kira responded "yeah, that's what I was thinking, I just don't know..." I yelled "NOOOO! You can't kill them!" Kira asked why, and I said "it shall be named chipper!" She turned it down pretty fast though. She chose abortion and looked kinda upset. Trevor looked a little hurt, yet understanding. She wanted me to go with her so I did. I called in to get her the appointment. I hated doing this, but it was her choice. I drove her to the doctors office. Trevor stayed at home, to keep his mind off of it. We talked with the doctors for a long ass 30min before she walked out to go get the tools. Kira started crying. "Umm...Kira?" I asked as I looked over. "I-I can't" she choked and put her hand on her belly. "You can't what?" I asked. "I can't do this. I can't kill my baby!" She yelled loud enough for the doctor to come in. I drove us home. She Trevor and I all sat in their room and talked about foster care. "You could always get him or her back..." I said. Kira was very on the edge about this but Trevor was fully against it. He wanted to keep his son or daughter. "Babe I can't let you do this..." Trevor said. "Umm... Sorry to ask, but when did you have sex? And how did you wind up like this?" I asked and look at them. They told me the sexual story of how they broke the condom their first time and didn't know it. Ew.  Kira decided Trevor was right. We were gonna be keeping the baby! "Yay!!!!" I jumped and hugged Kira. He set up some video games I'm their room an played until she won and fell asleep. She had some intense morning sickness. Ew. Her and Trevor talked on and on about names. If a girl- Kimberly or Amanda. If a boy- koby, or Trevor jr. She is already 4months in. She is going to determine the sex soon. I can't fucking wait. Kian has started dropping hints about how he is not ready and shit. "Babe. I'm not ready for kids either. And you have nothing to worry about right now. I will have my hands full with O2L and the new arrivals.  Puppies, and a baby. We don't need anything else." I told him.  Kira piped her head in and yelled "family meeting in the kitchen!" We all met in the kitchen in the same spots as last time. "We are having two girls!" She announced. "Kimberly and Amanda" Trevor chirped.

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