Graduation for Riley

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So we where at the house getting ready. I decided just to go for a casual look nothing big. It was a white dress with a pink striped cardigan that went knee length and some light pink convers. I lightly curled my hair and put a pink flower crown on. I walked downstairs. I looked at my tattoo I got last night. It was a crown the pom where my thumb is. My dad is going to kill me.

Hay, I went with James to get it so. I was up early then everyone today. I wanted to leave before everyone. I grabbed my suit case hoped in my Jeep which is coming with me to the UK. I put my sunglasses on and headed to the airport. I got in our private jet and headed off.

Someone began to call me on the phone. Oh shit it's my mom.

L- 'Hello?'
M- ' Hey, sweetheart your on the plan now?'
L- 'Yeah we are about to land in a little while so when you guys come. I'll pick you up.'
M- Okay, see you then.
L- Bye
M- Bye.

I hung up the phone and got out the jet. My Jeep was waiting for me. Thank the heavens. I put my page in and headed to the hotel. I put my stuff down in the room and got my stuff out for the bonfire for tonight. I smiled and headed back down. I drove to the Starbucks and got a cashew muffin and a vanilla trap.

I got a call. Looks like it's time to pick up the fam. I got in the Jeep and headed back to the airport. Everyone hoped in the car. My mom in the front and my dad in the pack with my brother. I gave my mom a kiss and we headed to the school. They're not staying for long because the leave to night.

"So, sis how does the ink and metal feel.?" James said. No the heck he did not. "The what and what?" My dad said. I glared at James from the mirror. "Oh, its good, how's that vase and that 1/2 pound of weed treating you." I smirked. My parents looked at my brother. Haha, should of never said anything about my ink and metal.

After a whole lot of yelling at James. He finally said " But she got like 4 tattoos and 3 piercings." I smiled. "I donk know what your talking about." I said with a smirk. See I cover my tattoos. The have 5 piercings and 6 actually. "Look on her hand she got that mendi tattoo like Aunt Cynthia had for her wedding." He said when we came to a stop.

I showed my hand. "No, I don't bro. You need to stop smoking that pot." I said getting out the car. Dakota and Leo came up to us. Me and her talked about my living with her for the year and stuff. They headed back to their seats. Then it started. We watched them get the diplomas. I got mine like a month ago so. Then Dakota went up for a speech.

"Alright, class of 2k15. How does it feel?" I heard a lot of awesome and others "Well, guess what I graduated last month. Yep, I am only 19 years old. I am one of the youngest CEO's. Now of course the youngest is an 11 year old but still. I made it and so did you. Now guess what I am engaged yep that's right. But I didn't rush it. He known me since I was born yeah hes like 3 years older than me. But we didn't rush it. Now lets think, where will you be next year. Probably on tour or even in a recording studio with me or what ever. The best thing is to not rush it. Now all it is to do is go to college I am not forcing you but. With no skill or math how you going to work. Let me tell you how many people try to screw me over. There was this one time one of the Djs over here at club light. I bet y'all know that club." There was a lot laughs. " So the Dj right. I pay $12 an hour. Listen your pay check for a week is blessing if its coming from me. He said 'You took $20 off.' I said yeah I know. The reason is that its tax. Which it is. It was so funny how he tried to correct me. Now he saw his mistake. He 27 years old. You don't know the tax. See that important. So the whole speech was about not rushing and school. Life will grant you wishes you just have to wait and pay attention." I finished up and started. I lifted my hands. "All rise, I now declare you class of 2015. Fuck this shit up." They all threw their hats. "See y'all at the bonfire." She said and we all left. I dropped my parents and brother off.

I whipped of all the make up from covering my tattoos. I got back to the hotel and changed. I put on a tropical forests print highwasted bikini. I left my hair in it's waves and tied my skirt rasta cover up on my hip and put my sandals on. I grabbed my beach bag and put my towel and phone and stuff in there.

I grabbed my sunglasses and hat. Are you serious right now. To guys came in fake bellhop costums. One came from the corner I took out a knife that was strapped to my leg and threw it. It hit him in the shoulder. I pulled out my gun as the other one was coming. I shot him. I went back into my room. "Looks like there is no such thing as a vacation for a criminal." I grabbed my snipper.

I went to the roof. I looked at my watch. I set up the snipper and got ready. "Hickory dickory dock the mouse went up the clock the clock strikes 12." I shot two people. "And the mouse came down." Anthony came and took the bodies. Hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock the clock struck one." I shot 3 more people. "And the mouse came down." I did it until I hit 5. Hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock the clock struck five." I shot 7 and left. "And the mouse went down." I said as I climbed down the latter to reach my balcony. I grabbed my bag and headed to the elevator.

I went to the counter and checked out. I talked to Anthony and he made sure there was no trace of e in the hotel. I put my shades and hat on and went to the Jeep. I got in and headed to the beach. "Hay, sweetie wanna be my little devil tonight." I turned around "No thanks, if you don't wanna get shot I would leave." He quickly left.

"Hay, Lena, wait a minute where did all the ink and metal come from." said Leo. I laughed. "From, seeking in and out if the house." I said with a smile. He laughed and gave me a hug. "Yo, Taylor let me borrow your board real quick." He handed me his board. I took off my covering and went in. I rode a few waves and gave it back to him. "Dakota, we leaving tomorrow morning right." She said yes. "Now come dance with me." She said.

I laughed at her and danced with her more like grinded but hey it's a party.

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