Guns and Roses

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So remember Dakota's boss's daughter that lives with us. Yeah, so I wanna know her and Alex all hugged up in our bed. And those 3 words that came out of his mouth mad me scream. They looked shocked yep I am home early. "What happened I heard a scream?" Leo, Dakota, Asher, Sunny, and Raven said walking closer. "Rose?" I heard Raven whispered. I walked out of the room and walked to the cabinet and got my best friend the riffle. I walked in the room. I fired the gun to the ceiling guess who room?, If you guessed Rose you so deserve a cookie or a hug. "You got 10, you know what 5 seconds to get the fuck out of my room or there will be a hole in you like the ceiling. And trust me I never miss. Just ask Dakota." I said. The scurried like the heard the word fire. 

"Sunny and Raven can you change the sheets please." Dakota said. I walked right into the closet and got his clothes except for sneakers and Vans. I walked to one of the canisters that are used for the fire and dumped the clothes in. I grabbed the lightfaced pored it in there and went back and grabbed pictures of us and put them in there. I lit a picture of us at the carnival and threw it in there. I grabbed the s'mores. Dakota walked up wrapped up in a blanket. "I knew along I was just waiting for him to lie to my face, but he proved me right and its our 6 month anniversary and he missed the sonogram yesterday. And to think finding out that you where adopted just tops its off." I said facing the fire.

"Oh, honey its alright we're going to get threw this." D, said while hugging me. "Okay." I said back. After the fire dimmed down I walked back in the house. I took a quick shower and got in my bed with clean sheets. I am not even going to waste my energy on crying. Lets just see what her father thinks.

I woke up as usual with morning sickness. Yep, the fun. I got dress in new pajamas and put some vans on and started putting on my vans. I began to pack my bag for a week. I grabbed my chargers, tablet, computers, and blankets. It was only 5 am. I walked to Sunny's door and knocked lightly. She opened the door and came out with her dufflebag and phone in hand. "You ready to go?" I whispered. She nodded. We walked outside and the limo came it dropped us off at the airport. 

We walked on the jet and relax. "So, you ready to bring him back?" I nodded. The thing is I wear 2 important rings one is my engagement ring from Cameron and the other one is from the person where bringing home. Where going to the Bahamas. Its not that far but far enough from the family. So why not spend time with Sunny and my future. We soon landed and went to the hotel to change cause its morning. I changed in a mid-thigh black dress with wedges and a white rose kimono. I took my hair out off my pony tail and put into a curly bun, I grabbed my gold hoverboard and bag and rode my way to Sunny's room and knocked. She walked out and we got my mustang waiting for me.

We put our stuff and hoverboards in the car. I got in the car and drove off to the house. We drove up to a gate. I typed in the password and entered into the drive way. I parked and we got the car and unlocked the door. Sunny went to her room. We done this already and she claimed it. I walked to my shared room with him. I put my stuff in the closet and slipped off my shoes showing my cookie monster socks. I pushed his black hair out his face and straddled his lap. I gave him a small peck and he woke up. "You ready to come home? I asked him. "Of course. I love  you LeeLee." he said I gave him anther kiss. "I love you too Drakey."

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