The Cherry

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"Mom,Dad why are in my house?" I said looking at my parents that stood in my room. "Your godfather told us you where here." My father said. "We wanted to apologize for what happened at Thanksgiving. I don't want our relationship to turn out like my mother and I. I ended my own mother I don't want that with us." My mother said to me with tears running down her face. I felt my own tears coming. I ran to them and my mom hugged me basically my dad picked both of us up and we had a big bear hug. "I love you guys so much." My dad said. I laughed.

We pulled away. I reached my hand out to Drake. "Mom, dad do you remember Drake." I said as he came behind me. " Well two years after Cameron died and Samantha my unborn child. Drake proposed to me and the year before that found out I was adopted. From taking my usual blood test and the doctor asked if my father was really Justin Smith and it turns out that my real parents are Celica and Felix Kennedy which are also Riley's parents. So in reality Me and Riley are sisters and I am not even related to any of you. Drake was the only one that knew and we spent the most of those to years hanging out. And when we had that dinner for him that's when he purpose to me." I said looking at Drake smiling.

"Honey we're sorry we didn't tell you early we just didn't know how." My dad said. "It's okayy, now can we forget all of this and you can meet your granddaughters." I said smiling. They nodded their heads and we walked in to Kori looking confused and Bella sleeping. I picked up Kori and widened my eyes at her. She garbled and put her hand in her mouth. "Mom dad this is Kori." My mom reached out to her and cooed. "How come one eye is grey

and the other is brown?" My dad asked. "She has a birth affect called heterochromia. Their grandmother on their father's side has it." I said cooing at Kori. "Will you let Alex see them." My mother asked. "I will but when the time come. Basically Drake signed their birth certificate so they legally are Drakes kids." I said picking Bella up as she began to cry. "This is Bella everyone." Passing her to my mom.

The doorbell wrung. "I'll get it." I said walking out the room. I grabbed the gun by the door and opened it. "How may I help you." I asked Alex standing their with 3 giant bears and flowers. "I wanted to see my girls." He said behind the bears. "Why do you have 3." I asked putting the gun in my waistband and leading him upstairs. "I know if you didn't get one you'll get mad." I took the white one he handed to me. "You damn right." I said with a smirk. We walked to my room where my parents with Drake sat with the kids.

"You guys remember Alex." I said while he put the the pink and purple teddy bears by the cribs and I put the white one on the floor next to my bed. "Of course the boy that knocked up ny daughter." My dad yelled. "The pregnancy was planned. Now shut up about it." I said handing Kori to Alex. "Do they have Drake's last name." He asked taking her from my hands. "yeah." I said while picking up Belle. "Wow, she has heterochromia like my mom." He said smiling a her.

After he saw the twins and we talked about everything he left. Me and my parents talked about me having m wedding in September after the family reunion. They said bye to the girls. "Okay. I know you to are hungry sooo. Drake get me a bottle." I said the twins as they laid on the bed. "Here you go babe." Drake walked in with only pajama pants.

"Thank you so much. Can you feed Belle please." I said feeding Kori. He nodded and fed her. "So the reunion is coming up in 6 months so the girls would be good for travel." I told him. "Dakota said we're going to Dubai. This time in the rain forest mansions." He said while burping the twins. "Do you think I can finish getting tatted by then?" I asked taking Belle from him. "That's if you ask Kori to come to the house to finish." He said walking with me to put them in their cribs. Put their pacifiers in their mouth and turn the night light on and turned the light off and walked to the office with baby monitor..

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