Belle &Kori

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At this very moment I am on my way to the hospital. My flipping water just broke. "If one person tells me to breath I am brake your wind pipe." I shouted as Drake drove faster to the hospital. Everyone was quite as Dakota pushed my hair out of my face. She did breathing exercises with me as we drove.

Soon later we where at the hospital Drake gave Leo the keys to go park the car. As James carried me to the emergency room. "James it hurts so bad." I said into his neck. "I know ducky I know, but the girls are coming." I nodded my head as we walked into a room. Dakota and Sunny helped me change into the hospital gown.

Drake sat on the hospital bed behind me and rubbed my back as each contraction hit. Sunny tried to sooth me by braiding my hair. The doctor came to check to see how far. She told us I was only 4 cm and I have 6 more to go. She gave me something so the pain would lessen. "Do you guys think I can go to sleep. Its like 3 in the morning." I spoke laying against Drake's chest. "I'll go ask the nurse." Leo said. Dakota was trying to Joshua asleep.

"D, give me my nephew." I said reaching out to him. She got up and gave him to me with his blanket. "Hay Joshy. Why you giving your mommy a hard time huh?" He stopped crying and looked at me. "You got your mommy eyes be thankful." He started laughing. I put him on the bed and patted his back and he soon fell asleep. Dakota came and got him and said thx and kissed my forehead. Leo cane back and said " Yeah, its okay for you to take a nap." I whispered a thank you and fell asleep.

~15 minutes later~

I woke up and the doctor was here. "Okay Lena are you ready to push. I nodded my head as Drake got from behind me. Only people in here where 2 nurses, the doctor, Riley, Drake, Dakota, and James. Every thing was prepped. Then the pushing happend.

- 2 hours later-

Belle Kristal Lee Born on January 24,2016 at 5:15 am

Kori Samantha Lee Born on January 24,2016 at 5:18

After waiting for 2 hours and 3 minutes my beautiful princesses where born. I could never wished for anything more. Belle being the older by 3 minutes. Being completely identical. I can tell them part. Kori has a small birthday defect one of eyes being gray like her father and the other being brown. They both have Drake's last name. After a few things being done and all. We finally went home. I carried Kori while Drake carried Belle to the nursery and sat them down in they're cribs and slept. We walked to the connecting door to our room and saw the people we would never believe. My parents.

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