6 actualy

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I looked down and played with my fingures. Dakota started to speak, "So it looks like 4 more people joing our family." she said. I smiled at the thought, "Ummm six actualy." I said looking up and met with Alex's eyes. I zoned out and got a tap on my shoulder, " I just found out yesterday but I think 3 weeks." I said with a small smile. Everyone nodded. Dakota walked to me and whisperd. "Do they know about Samantha?" She asked. I shook my head know. "Know about what?" my mother said. I got so scared I couldn't answer.

My arm was pulled and I started to walk to one of the rooms upstairs. I turned to Asher after Dakota gave me a look. I took a deep breath and told him the story. "So two years ago , I was pregnant with y boyfriend/ futur husband. The day he died I found out I was pregnant. Then 4 months later the baby died from me being depressed. It hurt so bad, know one really knew except for Riley, my brother and Dakota because they where there with me." A sobbed racked my body as tear fell down my face. " I am sorry if your mad at me for not telling you but I was 16. My parents still don't know. So me having another one even 2 more kids scares the hell out of me." I said with tears blocking my vision.

Alex pulled me into his arms. He whispered sorries and I love yous in my ear. I clunged onto him like my life depended on it. "Its okay, alright we're going to get threw this all 4 of us. Alright , I will alwys be with you and the wins ,okay?" He said. I sniffeled and said Okay back. I gave him peck on lips and got myself toghether. We walked out the room and walked to the stairs. "You are crazy if you think I am going to let you walk down stairs." he said. I lauged as he picked me up. We made it to the living all eyes where on me. "How could you?" After those 3 words left her mouth it was over. " Really, how could you. Tell me how it feels to be told that your baby died before you even met her." I half yelled. No in this room felt what I felt not even my grandmother. She had all her kids and no one is dead. So I truely don't feel bad. 

"You can't right ? Because your parents where there threw thick and thin. Because you had James at 18. Because you had everything handed to you." I yelled. Alex had to hold me back. Everyon looked shocked. " I am sorry you think I am a brat or a slut but he was planning to marry me. Now if you can't face the fact that your daughter is pregnant you can kiss my a$$." I said while Dakota chuckled gaining attench. Which she snapped at. "  M grandfaather broke the silence, "I want all of my children to leave my house please." He said. All our parents left.

I zoned out after everybody left Alex was massaging  my stomach lightly which is making me sleepy. I heared little clips of them talking about doing a grandparents sleepover. "What do you say LeyLey?" Leo asked me. I gave them a smile and nodded yes. Alex whispered that he is going to go with the guys to get our pages and be right back. I nodded and gave him a peck on the cheak. The girls went with grandma and I layed back. I put a hand on my stomach and smiled. I wrapped up one of the blankets. A little later I was lifted off the couch. I saw Leo carring me. I smiled and snuggled closer.

Alex was behind us with our bags. He put me on the bed and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled, he got out of the room and I started getting dressed. It was a black long sleave shirt with flanel shorts and bunny slippers. I walked down stairs and started making my peperment hot chocolate. I took the cookies out and frosted them. They where hearts and leavs. I put icinging and sprinkles and brought everything out on a trolly. I grabbed a cup and a small plate with cookies like everyone else and sat with Alex and snuggled closed to him. He took a cooie and kissed my temple.

"To day is the day to give thanks. So we thought it would be cool to show videos of our family." They sat on the other chairs and pressed play on the remote.

It started with Dakota' parents and everything with them like their prom and first dat and the baby shower. Then my with the same and their wedding and stuff. Then Riley's parents and everything. Then it went to the grandchildren with Drake first and his graduation and a picture of him in the army, Then Leo with his baby pictures and all to his first time skateboarding. Then Dakota, with baby pictures, prom pictures , graduation and her and Asher's date. Then Riley, with her baby pictures and graduation and her wedding . Then at the end it said 'And for the one that brightens up our family.' and it had me as a baby. It should baby pictures and birthday for her 16th and me and Cameron which where alot and it showed our mathing tattoos. At the end it said 'Lena will you marry me?' with the poem he wrote.

It was so sweet and all. He was suppose to ask me today. The girls came to hug me when I started crying and all."He wanted us to show you this when he was going to propose we eddite some stuff that happend now but we didn't want to cut that."  The said I nodded and gave Alex a kiss and hug. After that and 4 more cups of hot chocolate with 6 cookies we watched movies. So it was an eventful day but it turns out 6 people are jing us in a few months.

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