Let the fun begin

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I was on the plain with Dakota, and the others. I was so happy to leave the state. I can finally be free. "Lena there is a welcome concert for you tonight." Said Raven. I smiled and asked her what time. She replied with "When ever you decide to show up." I like the sound of that."Alright cool." I smiled back at her. I took a strand of my brown hair. Its so plain, yes its to my lower back but its plain. Looks like I am doing something before the party.

We got to the airport. My car was waiting for me. I jumped in my cherry red Ferrari and waited for everyone. We drove off. We made it to the house. Dakota took me to my room. You van tell she personly made it for me. The walls had atrible print that you would mostly see on Tumblr. The sheets where a royal blue. On the bed was the one and only my favorite cat Midnight. Omg I love this cat to death. I picked her up and walked around there was a desk with a pin bord on the wall it had picture s of me, Dakota, and Riley. We are really close to each other.Riley is more close to me and Dakota then she is with Tiffany.

I walked to the french doors that lead out to the bocany. I looked out and saw them setting up for the party then I saw him. He was almost the same hight as Asher. He had light brown hair they matched his hazel eyes. And oh my goddess his body was to die for. He had tattoos not a lot but just enough. I looked up and smiled. I waved and went back inside. "D, let's go I wanna get my hair died." I yelled out. Dakota came out with Raven and Sunny, We hoped in the Rang Rover and left.

We pulled up to the salon. The girls got there nails done and I got my hair died a royal blue. It had little streaks of gray in it. I smiled and showed the girls they seemed to love it. We headed back to the house to get ready. I walked in to see all my stuff and more clothes where in the closet. My laptop was set up and everything. I walked to the back and picked out a bathing suit and a black sundress. I took a shower and put my clothes on. I didn't bother with shoes. I put all my piercings in and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen met by sunny. "Sunny I just saw the most hottest guy outside." I said. " Oooh, tell me more." I told her everything,

Her face seemed to fade after. "You said he was working outside with Asher right." She asked "Yeah, why." She just shrugged her shoulders. "You wanna help me get ready." I nodded my head and we went to her room. She had a canopy bed. "Alright my closet is there I am go hop in the shower." She said while shaking her natural ginger her from its poney tail.

I walked to her closet. Huh, with such a bright name I never would of thought she wore a lot of black. I walked to her bathing suits. I pulled out a purple two pieces and a black sheer pull over. I grabbed some purple flip flops and layed her stuff out on the bed. She walked out in a towle her hair back in its messy bun. She looked at the outfit. "Me likey." She said and went to put her clothes on. Midnight walked in and meowed at me. I picked her up and petted her.

Sunny came out brushing her hair out with a detangling brush. "Let's go bother my twin." Wait she has a twin. We began to walk and we where by Raven's room. We opened the door and saw Raven smoking on the bocany. She turned to us and smiled. "Well, hello love. And Sunny," she said while passing Sunny the blunt. Sunny smiled and said hi. She passed it to me the flame went out. I took out my phone and pulled the flap down on my sparqcase.

I took a breath in and smiled. "Hay, girlies what's up." Said Dakota slipping in the room. "Hay" we said back. I gave her the blunt but she shook her head and pulled out a cigarette and pulled out her phone and lighted up. I smiled. "So, Lena here as developeda crush on Mr.Mathews." Sunny said. Dakota looked shocked. "Omg, is he a teacher." I asked. D smirked "No even wores." I raised my eyebrow at her making the light shine on mine and her eyebrow piercing. "He's my Exs." She said killing her cigarette. She walked out I looked at Raven and Sunny for answers.

"Alex, was with Dakota for a year. He changed her. Emotionally, she choosed to change her appearance. Before they where together Alex was already in the Mafia. He was the one that got her in it. They broke up during year book sighnings. But before that they always got into fights. She stopped caring for him but she still loved him out of pitty. One thing about Dakota is that she can heal people but she can't be healed. So when it was the event for the army, Alex wasn't there but instead having a piece of trash in his bed. She found out and it hurt. When it was the signing thy got into another fight. Which ended up Alex in the hospital and Dakota in a holding cell. We came and got her. Then on Prom night that's when Asher came in. And you could tell that she is finally healing." A tear slipped down Raven's face.

She whipped it away. "But enough about the past its the future now let's hit party." We cheers and walked downstairs. We made it to the beach. I got a tap on my shoulder and turned around. "Well, it seems that I found my Rapunzel." It was him. He smiled. I smiled back. "Would you like to dance?" I turned to Dakota and she nodded and motioned for me to come. "Umm, stay right here I'll be right back." So you heard the story" D said . I nodded my head well if he hurts you your going to have to bail me out of jail." I laughed at this and headed back to Alex.

"So your the famous. Lena Smith." He said taking me to the dance floor. "Well, I can tell you Alex that if you hurt me Mark, Justin, and Nicole will destroy you. If you know so much about me." I said back. "Well, I see this kitten got claws." He said. I smiled "And a gun so there something you never knew." I smiled and walled away.

For the rest the night I just chilled out with the girls and played hared to get. It was fun then I heard those words. "Will, you go out on a date with me?" I smiled "Sure" and continued to party.

Love in Smoke (sequal to GD)Where stories live. Discover now