First day in

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 Today is New Years and we are getting the house ready for the party. I am having it in my house this year. There was people from the gang helping hang up gold and black ribbons. I am almost dressed now just have to do my hair and put my shoes on. I carried my superstars and walked to find Drake. He was in the backyard with Dakota  and the others. "Babe can you help me put my shoes on please." He nodded as he bent down and put them on for me then got up and kissed my forehead. 

"So, hows the girls?" He said walking towards the others. "Kicking the hell out of me, See." I said putting his hand to the right above my bellybutton. He had a big goofy smile. "Are you guys almost done because we have an half an hour and none of you are dressed." I said standing in front of everyone. They all looked at me. "What are all staring at go get dress." I said they kept a smile on their face. "They're staring at me shorty.' I heard a very familiar voice say. 

I turned around and saw my brother. "JAMES!" I said waddling as fast as I can towards him. "Hay, little duck. I heard you I was getting nieces I had to see for myself." He said wrapping bending down to hug me. "Yeah, Drake back now and where together now." I said calmly as he stood back up. He walked to everyone and gave them a hug.

After everyone hanged out for a little more they went to change. I walked and talked to James about what's going on and everything. He heard about Thanks Giving and everything. "So, any family yet big brother." I asked "Nope but I do have a girlfriend." He said.

"Aww what's her name?" I asked walking into the house with him. "Aeriel." He replied. I nodded. "So why did come?" I said to him staring right into his eyes. "Okay, mom and dad are trying to take the gang away from you." He said running his hands through his hair. "Don't they know they can't do that like are they stupid or something. I am the daughter so I get it. She established that rule when I was born." I said looking at plans on the grid. "The even tried to ask Uncle Antoine daughter but she said no. And wouldn't blame her. She wasn't raised like us to handle it. So I came to give my part of the gang." He said handing me an envelope. "Smart move bro." I said reading it. "Ok now that is over lets party." I yelled into to Mike.

@11:59 during countdown.

I was with Drake countdown"10......9......8.......7........6........5.....4......3.....2......1 Happy New year!" Everyone yelled. I turned to Drake and gave him a kiss. And you can guess how our night went .


Hay my loves so. How yall doing. I moved again people again. So said no prom gotta wait 3 more years and 4 to graduate and 2 years for my next birthday party. Hadn't had one in 10 years. So with my crazy self. I was wondering how bout I put all the series of the Gangster's Daughter for a wattpad awards. I wanna start early cause like I am awesome. And guys I am single finally and its summer heck yeah. Time to party. Omg its been so long being in a relationship. Its so weird cause everytime I turn around so one always asking so I got irritating. So that yeah I have something to talk to you guys later about something on social media. So that will b the next thing.

So ok there was this girl name Tayja Jones (not sure if u spell it like that.) and she was going to prom and like most people she posted picture and video and she looked really nice and so did other people. Then there was the one a$$hole, that messed it up for her because as they put it Telling like it is. Lets take a moment to let that sink in. (what's for 10 seconds.) WHO DAFUC ASKED YOU FOR YOUR DAMN OPINION. IF SHE WANTS TO GO TO PRIM LET HER CAUSE SHIDD SHE LIVING MY DREAM. BUT WHO THE HÊLL CARES WHAT YOU THINK. YOUR PROBABLY ONLY GOT 5 FOLLOWERS INCLUDING UR MOM ON INSTA. SHE HAS THOUSANDS COMMENTING SAY OW NICE SHE LOOKED AND HOW SHE SLAYED PROM. THEN UR DUMB A§ HAD TO COME OUT NOWHERE LIKE SQUIDWARD. DUD YOU GO TO PROM AND IF YOU DID ANYONE SAY MEAN W TO YOU. AND YOU KNOW THAT GOT ME REALLY MAD IS THAT PEOPLE FOLLOWED BEHIND THIS STUPUD PERSON LIKE REALLY. WATCH WHEN YOU GET A JOB AND THEY FIND THAT. THATS CALLED BULLYING. LIKE REALLY GROW UP ITS 2016. URS OKAY TO BE GAY, BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL, STRETCH MARKS ARE TIGER STRIPS. Now I am glad I got that off my chest. So Tayja you slated the hell out of prom. So be proud of yourself self ok. Thank you guys so much and please vote and comment. And follow me on instagram @bbyg.cj and stuff so only two words. Chaise out *drops mike*

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