It's a Ninja ?!

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She was in the lab. Someone's in here,  she thought. A unfamiliar black clothed figure was missing with the hidden safe. No, no ! Get away ! She shouted but the figure continued. 

"Ah !" She gasped sitting up she panted. Covered in sweat she jumped out of her bed and yanked her door open. Running down the halls and stairs she did not try to keep quite. Someone else was up, Wolverine must have smelled the unwelcome intruder.  "Where is he kid ?" Logan asked.

"The Lab," She answered. At that Wolverine with his claws out rushed. What they saw made everyone pause. It was a ninja and he to stopped whatever he was doing and stared at the two mutants that caught him. Wolverine recovered from shock first, charging Wolverine was one of those bar styled fighters. "Your not getting away bub !" He roared.

The ninja however someone dodged and kicked Wolverine hard enough to leave a Wolverine sized dent in the wall. With Wolverine down long enough the ninja escaped into the air vent. "I told Chuck we needed to put security systems in the air vents," Wolverine complained bitterly once he recovered.

Logan, Amy in my office now, they heard the Professor's voice say in their heads. "You think this is about me smoking ?" Logan joked. Yeah I forgot to mention something, with Logan's Healing Factor he could smoke without worrying about his lung's getting black and other unpleasant stuff that smoking can do to you.

"We need to install lasers, poison gas and maybe some poison darts," She heard Logan say. She had heard this before. After a few seconds.  "Alright stuff like Knock Out Gas."  Wolverine's will must have bent or something. "Amy, do you know what was stolen ?" The Professor asked. Feeling uneasy she answered,"Yeah. Hank's collar."

At this the Professor took a sharp intake while Wolverine had a confused look. "It's a dampener, to help mutant with the more dangerous gifts who are still learning," She explained. Wolverine still looked confused. "Hank's gone into politics for Mutant's Rights. He designed the collar to cut off a Mutants powers," She explained.

"We need to find the thief and get the collar back. I could not sense him so I won't be able to use Cerebro to find him." Looking at the Professor she had a feeling. "No, you can't be serious. No, not him," She said getting up. "Yes Amy, I believe he can help us," The Telepath said.

"Who are you guy's talking about ? Who is 'He' ?" Wolverine asked reminding him he was still there. Sighing she only said,"A old acquaintance of mine that is a thief."

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