Mutant Tag

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After a few weeks of getting used to her new powers she had decided to play a game with the students. Mutant Tag, the rules were you can use your powers and they had to catch her and hold her for 10 seconds. Sounds easy right ?

Wrong. With ner powers she could anticipate their actions and read their minds. Like Night Crawler popping up from behind. Ducking down Night Crawler got tackled by one of the new students. 

Boom Boom, a crazy fire cracker of a girl tossed a few of her own firecrackers only to find out what it was liked to get kicked at her side. "You guys are going to have to try harder !" Grinning she took off and ran past Wolverine who seemed to be getting a kick out of the game.

She taught Art Class so doing Gym was different but not new. Rushing to the garden she jumped behind a large bush she had been growing. Footsteps rushed past her andthe bush she was hiding in. "Using your own plants to give the kids a slip. Nice kid," Wolverine's voice comment.

Dipping into his mind she could see that he had followed her scent trail. Getting up she moved from her hiding spot, time to move to another one. Hiding is what I do, She thought to Wolverine  before heading inside.

The Library was a spot she had always loved. It had tons of hiding spots and even had great napping spots. Her favorite was well hidden and cozy. Setteling down she felt arms wrap around her. How did I not notice someone was in here ?!? She panicked as she struggled to free herself from iron strong lanky arms. "4, 5, 6," A familar New Orleans accented voice drawled as she tried to worm her way out.

"Remy ! Your not playing Mutant Tag," She said as she continued to wiggle but that just made the iron bars around her body tighten. "Merde,"Remy mumbled something in French that sounded like a curse, at least that's what it sounded like. "8,9, 10. Gambit wins, " Remy said as he dragged her into his lap.

Why am I not surprised that Remy is the one to catch me and I could not escape,  She thought as she relaxed. Tired she began to sleep while Remy seemed to call Wolverine to tell the students that Mutant Tag was over. "Go to sleep, Chere," Remy's voice lulled her to sleep.

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