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When she opened her eyes she was greeted by Storm. Turned out she had collapsed and was brought to the Infirmary. She had felt drozy so she went back to sleeping. Chere, O'l Remy hopes your alright, Remy's voice said. I'm going to skewer the Gumbo, Wolverine grumbled.

Soon more voices joined in, some interesting like the Porcupine planning on pranking Scott/Cyclops. Amy wake up, The Professor instructed. Opening her eyes she stared at the door before it opened to reveal a worried Remy. "Chere ! You okay ?" He asked.

Before long Wolverine popped up ready to drag the 'Swamp Rat' away. "It's okay Wolverine, " She intervened. It turned out while she was still unconscious the two brawled right outside the door. And just like last time Storm shooed them away but with a blast of wind this time.

After a while of enduring Storm questioning her did she leave to see the Professor. He seemed to know what was going on. "It seems your powers are growing. While you were asleep you heard everyone's thoughts, even mine."

"You mean, I'm a Telepath like you ?" She could not help but ask. "Yes but I don't think that's all. You've shown signs of Telekinesis," He added. After talking for a hour about her mutation's development and what else other gifts she might have did she leave.

Before long she was bombarded by questions as worried Mutants swarmed over her. After explaining it was her powers just growing did the crowd calm and disperse. "Chere, Remy been worried !" Remy yelled as he ran toward her. I'm kinda liking this, She thought as she felt waves of concern coming off him.

"So your okay ? Dat's good," Remy said as he enveloped her into a hug. Smiling she returned with a hug of her own. Nuzzling his neck she drifted asleep. Arms moved to cradle her as she was carried. Faintly she could hear countless thoughts but somehow she stayed with Remy's thoughts.

A soft, fluffy and almost cloud-like comforter engulfed her. Snuggling up to the lean muscular body right next her. She could smell something slightly spicy and familiar.

Coming Back with You (#2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora