Happily Ever After

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Flexing her powers she tore at the earth and moved things at her will. In deep thought she created her ideal paradise, soft moss dappled in the shade of the trees created a walkable path. Bare foot she savored the soft springy path as she arranged Forget-Me-Nots and climbable Orchids around a gazebo.

    Their soft subtle scents was heaven to her noes. Grinning she made sure to place the Milk Weed in open spaces for the Monarchs. Whimsical topiaries were added for scenery, animals and even a tea pot pouring into a tea cup for an extra touch of whimsy.

      She had always had a thing for Alice in Wonderland. And rabbits too, a few poses of some larger than life lops and dwarf rabbits. So cute, She squealed.

Spinning around she checked on the bushes of Hydrangea of all colors. The bushy plants with their bouquets that were bigger then her head. Grinning she skipped, hands moving silently like a conductor's.

     Fountains both of water and flowers were placed around all the walkways. With the moss she created a ideal carpet pathway for all those who walked barefoot. Maybe I should add a Tortoise or more ?

     Birds, fish, butterfly's and all these plants... it smelled heavenly !

"It looks amazing. When you showed me your thought I knew it would be amazing," Remy commented.  Shifting she saw Remy making himself comfortable against a Tulip Tree. The giant always made her think of the Amazon Rainforest so she was found of them.

"Glad you think so," She replied as her hands became motionless. "I'm also getting the hang of my powers," she added as she arranged a towering elephant shaped shrubbery in it's designated place. "Gardening does seemed to help, Cherie."

It had been weeks now since she woke up. Remy was still here, had he decided to stay ? The thought made her feel warm and happy. Smiling she wrapped the spicy scented thief in her arms.

   "Remy...are you...." She whispered hesitantly. If he was going to leave her again... "Remy's staying. I had never realized how much I had hurt you and I'm sorry for it, Cherie," He whispered back.

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