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Remy, I'm coming for you, She warned him mentally. Chere ? Dat you ? Remy replied back sounding surprised at her new ability. Chere, watch out, they got some anti-Mutant robots, they look like scorpions.

    Thanks for the heads up, She replied before contacting Wolverine and warning him. Charging forward she made use of her Foresight-like ability to get in. Ahead of them she saw a flash of a mechanical scorpion with a tail that shot lasers.

Gritting her teeth she flung her hands up and flung them. The approaching machine was heavy but she managed to fling it back with enough force to break it. "Remind me never to make her mad," Ice Man/ Bobby muttered.

   Biting back a smile she sprinted forward, arms moving wildly as more machines were destroyed before they could shoot.


With a collar safely snatched and hidden in a pocket did he wait idly leaning against a fast red car. "Looking for something ?" He questioned the dark skinned woman in a white power suite. "You !" She yelled in anger.

      Grinning he had an idea. Standing straight he kept his palm on the car. His employer seemed fond of her toy. She had a taste of speed, An adrenaline junkie, he thought.

The car began to change color as he charged it.  "No !" She yelled, rushing to stop him. Charged enough did he move away before the expensive toy went boom.

"Now to find my Chere," He commented as he watched the hungry flames dance.


She already found claw marks and slashes on the half made weapons. Wolverine was going wild. Hey is everyone okay ? She mentally asked everyone.

Yeah, Logan replied. Hey, this place is going to explode, time to move, Night Crawler pointed out. Time to go now Chere, I got the collar, Remy drawled calmly.

"You !" Wolverine began once they all reached the jet. "Not now Logan," She replied as she lifted him away. ....He weights a lot, She struggled as her arm trembled just lifting him a little bit. Okay weight limit, She panted slightly as she nearly collapsed.

"Chere, you okay ?" Remy caught her in his arms. Looking up she saw his worried red eyes. "Just drained," She replied as she tried to stand up. She felt like a newborn colt as her legs stumbled under her.

    "Here, I'll carry you," Remy scooped her up Princess Style and carried her into the jet. 

Tiredly she stayed in his lap as she piloted the jet. "You okay, Kid ?" Wolverine questioned her. "Yeah I just used so much of my new powers," She replied. I need a long nap.

    "Hand it over Swamp Rat," Wolverine snarled for the collar.

"Remy, can you take me to my room ?" She asked feeling drained. "Of course Chere. Remy's going to stay with you," Remy replied. He wanted to take care of her, She felt his feelings. "Kay," She said before black enveloped her.


Chere's  body slumped. How much power had she used ? Chere is getting stronger and stronger, He thought. He remembered back when they first met. Amy had stumbled in that bar and played Poker with him.

    From a very sensitive human to a Mutant. She trusted him with her very life. They had fled and she followed him, never fighting him.

      Looking at the fragile girl in his arms, he felt proud. Amy had become powerful and more self confident. He could see how at ease she was by how she held herself.

Don't leave me Remy, She unconsciously sent him. He had hurt her. The poor girl who snuggled in his arms trustingly. He should never had left her for all those years.

Coming Back with You (#2)Where stories live. Discover now