Missing Gumball

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Remy was really fitting in the school again. Through he did get on Scott and Logan's nerves to the point they had to use the Danger Room to go all out. Thinking about it just made her chuckle. Things had been going well between her and Remy.

A few days ago they went on a date and had a romantic dinner. Stretching out of bed she grinned as she got dressed for Breakfast. There was a good thing about having your own bathroom and she did not have to worry about sharing.

Breakfast was the same, Kurt popping around, hanging from the chandelier and trying to grab whatever he was after. "Elf, just ask for someone to pass the sausages, " Logan complained as he impaled a few sausages with his claws. Not bothering to hear Kurt's reply she glanced around to spot Remy.

With a empty spot next to her made it clear Remy had not joined them. He was always next to her in the Dinning Room even when they first stayed in the Mansion.

Breakfast was over now and Remy had not shown up. When she finished did she hurry to his room. Remy must have slept in, She gave him an excuse as her heart began to beat rapidly. Thoughts of those two years echoed in her mind as she reached for his door.

Peeking her head in, four poster bed with fluffy pillows and comforter. His personal things were missing along with their owner. Tapping his bathroom she said softly,"Remy." Trying to hide her worry she opened the door to see the room empty.

A familiar sensation stabbed her stomach as she hunched over. Her chest constricted like someone was crushing her heart. "Please....Remy," She cried as tears rained from her face. "Gumball !" Logan loudly roared.

Like a thief in the night, Remy had left.  Again. He had taken something from the Lab, Logan showed them. Her and the Professor saw Remy steal something, some research data that he had downloaded from a flash drive. With that Remy looked straight at the camera and grinned devilishly.

To add to his stealing, one of Wolverine's motorcycle's was missing. Not the first time he pulled a stunt. At their date Remy had stolen Scott's very polished and waxed red car. Scott had been pretty upset but everyone took something for a joyride. Even the X Jet had been stolen by the new students.

Something seemed off. Her feet traveled back to her room. Once in the middle did she relax and let her body and powers take over. Padding over to her bed she checked underneath her pillows to see a piece of paper with Remy's handwriting.

It looked like some kind of location.

He had snuck into her room. The idea made her blush at the idea of the thief sneaking into her room while she slept. Shaking her head she rushed to the Professor and Logan to see what Remy had left.

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