Black Out

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Angry beyond control she headed straight for the Danger Room. There she set it to her course, unlike the others power were for some it was destructive her power was more of a heads up. The goal was to last 5 minutes without being grabbed.

For example the tentacles that was about to grab her by the legs. With that in mind she changed her course. It was never the same, this course so she had to constantly use her power which now she had control and it strengthened her mutation.

Feeling better now she changed and headed for upstairs. Since the Danger Room was way down below she had to go up. Heading for the elevator she stopped due to this brief flicker of pain in her head. The pain exploded and with a cry of surprised pain she saw black.


He was upset and confused after what happened with him and Amy. To clear his mind he had gone to work but when there was dis big commotion outside his room he poked his head out. The students were agitated and worried. Made him feel like he was in a bee hive with ticked off bees.

When a couple of students walked by talking about something happening to Amy he panicked. Rushing to the infirmary Remy flew past everyone like his feet had wings themselves.

3rd pov

Inside the Infirmary the two awake and alert mutants could here something. "Look they don't know if she's sick. I found her past out on the floor. It could be anything, " Wolverine's voice growled. "Remy don't care. He just wants to be with his Chere," The Cajun growled in return.

Soon the sound of two brawling mutants could be heard from inside. Almost tearing the door off at the surprising speed Storm stormed out. "Stop right now !" The white haired mutant ordered.

After being scolded the two brawling mutants cooled off and left. Huffing Storm briskly shut the door and went back to examining the unconscious Amy with Jean.

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