Running into a Brickwall

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Thankfully the flight was not so bad. Logan only had a urge or two to throw up everything he had eaten and to kill Gambit only a few times. Radioing Storm the Baseball Court withdrew to reveal a landing pad. There was another jet, but it was called the Black Bird, it's opening was hidden by the waterfall.

Jumping off she walked back to her room. Logan was left behind to escort Remy to the Professor. After a while she headed to the Green House to relax. Her hand's slipped in her blue jean material jacket's pocket to find something already occupying the space. Withdrawing the familiar feeling object she saw the Queen of Hearts.

"Must have slipped it in my pocket when I wasn't looking," She muttered. That was something Remy would do.


After Gumbo left Chuck's office did he growl,"I don't see why you think he's going to stay. Didn't Gumbo leave two years ago and never came back ?" He felt worried for Amy, after all the Swamp Rat broke some sort of promise. "He did but we have something here that will make him stay, Logan," Chuck  replied.

"He didn't stay last time Charles. Look I'm worried he might hurt Amy again."


"Bonjour Stormy," He greeted. "I see those two were successful," Storm replied still focused on watering her plants. "I see you became a teacher. You all way's had the temperament of one," He praised faintly. "I'm guessing you have settled in," Storm stated looking at him.

Groaning he pulled one of the chairs. "Stormy, tell me what is it with all the woman in the Mansion. They keep acting like they believe O'l Remy's carryin the plague." Looking at him Storm's face became hard, like a brick wall.

"By woman you mean Amy ?" He could not deny it even through he wanted to. Storm caught him. Sighing he nodded his head while Storm gave him a disapproving look. "You left," Storm stated. "It's not like I suddenly left, I explained myself and she agreed," He said defensively.

"For an intelligent man you are very stupid. Amy only said that because that's what you wanted to hear. Because she knew that's what you wanted to hear. Plus you broke your promise, for two years and Amy never got a visit, a phone call or even one letter ! Do you have and idea she must have felt all those years ? Waiting for you. You were the only one she trusted with her life and you just abandoned her," Storm glared at him.


She starred at the pitiful looking thief, she almost felt sorry for him. Almost. "Is that why your so cold too Storm ? She's your friend and you think I failed her ?" Still glaring a look that could kill she nodded her head. Nodding his head now Gambit picked himself up and left. 

Like a dog with it's tail between his leg's, she thought.

Next Day


She spent the whole day away from everyone else. Hunger drove her to join everyone for Breakfast. Taking a seat with the Mutants at her own age she helped herself to some Scrambled Eggs. Smelling sulfur she saw Kurt hanging from a chandelier helping himself to a plate full of sausages. 

"Damn it Elf, just ask for the sausages to be passed," Logan growled at the blue furred student. "Sorry Logan. I'm just a very hungry mutant," Kurt grinned as he teleported back to his seat with the other students with his hands full of sausages. Ignoring the sulfur she glanced at a student who got bumped in. At once several of the same copies appeared, some covered in pancakes and maple syrup.

Ignoring Gambit as he strode in and helped himself to the food. Once she was done she rose and put away her plate. Now alone she felt a vice hard hand grab her arm. "Still giving me the silent treatment Chere ?" Gambit's breath tickled her ear. Whirling her around she was slammed into his chest.

Trying to struggle away her other arm was grabbed. Encased by his arm's Remy she felt him walk her back until her back hit the wall. Opening her mouth to yell at him Gambit's mouth crashed into her's. His lips massaged her's roughly as her brain shut down.

Going limp Remy withdrew their lips away and whispered,"I missed you Chere. What do you want from me ? What do I need to do ?" A this her brain began to work. "Figure it out !" She yelled as she escaped. Storming off she did not notice Logan watching her with a mug full of coffee.


When he spotted the Swamp Rat, leaning against the wall. "Now I get it," He commented as he sipped his coffee.

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