Consequences Pt 2

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lilly's pov

when i said it would be a long day i honestly didnt know how true my words would be it was literally the worst day i have ever had even with the twins trying to keep me safe i am still bruised and i feel like my life is hanging by a thread, im sure my arm is broken and my ribs bruised or broken am not sure but it is really hard to breath and even harder to stay awake am still deeply lost in thoughtwhen my locker, my current hiding place is rudely yanked open im relived to see jesse out of my one open eye. he gently lifts me out of my locker and am thankful because i cant stand due to my broken ankle i feel some liquid drop on my face and i look up and am shocked to see jesse crying then he said in a hushed but hate filled voice "those bastards" he then gently put me in a car and got in beside me putting my head on his lap i sigh contently before letting the darkness consume me

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