Chapter 24

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I sat on the couch with Macey snuggled next to me, her arms around me tightly. She'd insisted on being with me all day and wouldn't leave my side. I knew she was upset about what had happened so I didn't complain and did my best to treat her like a princess all day so she'd calm down.

Kyle had said he wanted to take Kayla home so they left some time before. Since then, I had played dolls with Macey, made her a royal lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwitch with a glass of juice, and done her hair in curls using my mother's old curling iron.

After all the excitement of the morning and then then making sure she was happy all day, she had been tukered out and had fallen asleep on my shoulder while watching her favorite princess movie, The Little Mermaid.

I didn't want to wake her so I gently picked her up and carried her up the stairs, going into her room and setting her down on her bed. She snuggled my arm and refused to let go so I nudged her over and climbed in next to her. She hugged me and I combed her soft blonde hair. It almost made me sad to look at her while she slept. She looked so much like our mom.

I sighed and layed with her until she rolled over and hugged her stuffed unicorn instead of me. I gave her forehead a kiss before leaving the room and going to my own.

It was past midnight and I was exhausted. I got into some sweats and a tank top and brushed my teeth. I was about to get into my bed when I passed the mirror on my desk. I frowned and stopped to look.

Macey looked like my mom but... I didn't look like either of my parents. I had always wondered why I looked so different. My mom and dad both had blonde hair while I had been born with brown. I also had hazel eyes and my sister and parents had blue. It was odd to have so many differences.

I sat down at my desk and stared at my refection thoughtfully. I had died my hair blue but, it didn't change much. I still looked different.

I frowned and opened my drawer. I kept a family picture in my desk at all times and I quickly pulled it out. I gazed at it. I looked so out of place, my hair, my eyes, even my body shape. I was slinky and shorter while the rest of my family was tall and had a stronger build. I was, quite literally, an ugly duckling.

I sat back as I stared at the picture. I didn't understand it. Was I just different? I grew frustrated with the confusion and stuffed the picture back in my drawer, going to my bed and turning my light off.

I turned to the wall and closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep for a long time though and even when I did, it wasn't peaceful.


"So, are doing anything this weekend?" Kyle asked as I took a sip of my orange juice at lunch. It was Monday and I was trying to get my life back to normal, despite the throbbing my ass had done the day before.

"Nothing. I might take my sister out to eat since she insists on celebrating birthdays." I said.

Kyle tilted his head. "Who's birthday is it?" He asked.

I took another sip of orange juice and ducked my head a little as I mumbled, "Mine...

His eyebrows shot up. "Seriously? Why didn't you tell me? When was it?"

"It's on Saturday. I didn't tell you because I didn't really care about it. I'm only taking Macey out so she won't have time to try and buy my a present." I gave him a look. "So, don't get any ideas, I don't want anything."

He grinned. "So, you're turning seventeen?"

I shrugged. "That's what you'd call it I guess. I couldn't care less though. It's just a way of saying someone is getting old."

He rolled his eyes. "You're not old." He said. "Also, if you want to hang at my house for your birthday then that's cool."

"Sure. What time?"

"Hm... Make it 1:30pm. That work for you?"

"Yeah, I can do that." I said. He smiled. "Are you going to tell me any hints to what you want for your birthday?" He asked.

I gave him a look. "Absolutely not. I don't want anything. That's kid stuff anyways."

He scoffed. "Are you calling me a kid? I still get birthday gifts."

"Then yes, I am calling you a kid." I smirked. "But, then again, you're younger than me so I can call you a kid if I want."

He shook his head. "Actually, I turned seventeen a couple weeks ago. I just didn't tell you because I didn't want to make a fuss." He returned my smirk. "So, that means I can call you a kid."

"No way. You'd have told me." I said turning away.

"Nope. It was when we were arguing and we wouldn't talk to each other. I figured it wasn't worth it to tell you when we made up because it had already passed."

I couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed since I was younger so I took the last bite of my sandwich and turned away. Kyle laughed and said, "Well, I'm going to try and guess what you want for your birthday so be ready."

"Good luck." I said. "I haven't even thought about it so I can't even tell you if I tried."

I picked up my garbage and threw it out before going over to the vending machines for a desert. M&M's: the treat fit for kings. I headed back to our table and we talked for a little longer before lunch ended and we went to the rest of our classes.

I began thinking about what Kyle would get me. I didn't really want anything but, knowing Kyle, he'd get me something anyways.

I decided the only thing I really needed was more hair dye. I had run out not too long ago and it was already beginning to fade. I guess I'd stop by the store and pick up some more.

I was walking out of the school when Kyle called me and I stopped to wait for him. He hurried to me and we started walking towards our sister's school. "So, I was thinking, what about a phone? You kind of need one."

I gave him a look. "What?"

He shrugged. "When you dissappeared I couldn't call you so I was just thinking that maybe I could get you a phone."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't need a phone, Kyle. I really don't want anything."

He pouted. "If you won't tell me I'll get you something really embarrassing."

"Like what?"

He raised his eyebrows to the challenge and smirked. I quickly regretted asking and said, "Never mind. I don't want to know."

He chuckled and I sighed. He pestered me all the way to Macey and Kayla's school and didn't stop. I tried to ignore him as we hurried home but, his voice never ceased as he continued to ask me what I wanted.

Finally, I sighed in frustration and turned to him. "Kyle Druns, if you don't stop right this instant-"

"You sound like my grandmother." He said with a muffled laugh. I glared at him as my face went red and the girls began to giggle. "Kyle-"

"If you tell me I'll leave you alone." He prompted.

I gritted my teeth as I narrowed my eyes. He stared right back at me with that smug smile and I couldn't help wanting to slap him. We stared each other down for a good two minutes before Kyle sent me a wink and my face burned.

"Hair dye!" I said quickly and grabbed Macey's hand, racing towards home and ignoring Kyle's stare as I did so.


Hey everyone! I like this chapter alot. I don't know why but, I really like how this came out. It's funny and I hope it was interesting. The beginning is exactly how I'd want an older brother to be like if I had one. Unfortunately for me, I only have a younger one. Bleh, so annoying. Anyways. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


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