Chapter 6

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I woke up with a piercing head ache and someone had their face on my cheek sleeping. Fuck what happened last night? I slowly got up and pushed the boy of off me to find out it was Kian. 

"Hey Kian wake up what happened last night?" I whispered poking him. 

"Ow please don't yell." He said putting his hands on his head. I'm pretty sure I've just whispered...

"What happened?" I said once his eyes opened. When he looked at me he immediately smirked. 

"Well let's just say you skipped to lesson nine." He said smirking.

"What how many lessons are there?!"

"I've decided on ten."

"So what's lesson nine?" 


"What I didn't...I....wouldn't...I..." 

"But you did and you're fucking amazing at it." He said smirking. I'm actually glad it's that at least I didn't lose my virginity.

I stood up to see a huge mess. Broken furniture, litter and people sleeping. I walked past them into the kitchen and took some advil. I sat on the counter and went on my phone. I looked up to see it was George with a really pretty girl and they were holding hands. He looked at me and I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows. He laughed.

"So care to introduce me?" I said giggling.

"Um hey Laura this is Andrea." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Hi Andrea I'm Laura nice to meet you I'm George's sister." I said stretching my hand out to shake hers. She shook my hand and smiled. I smiled back.

"Hi nice to meet you too." She replied and then it turned into an awkward silence. 

"So are you two a thing or..." I asked breaking the silence.

"Um yeah tell mom and I'll tell her that you made out with Kian and that you got a hickey." He said laughing.

"Of course I won't." I said laughing. "Where what hickey!?"

"Um..." Andrea said pointing to my neck laughing.

I looked down at my self to see my chest and neck covered in hickies. Oh god.

Kian then walked in and I was about to yell at him when I saw that he had hickies too. Andrea looked at him and I saw a tear form in her eye. I jumped off the counter and pulled her into a hug. 

"Are you ok?" 

"Um yeah." She whispered hugging me back tightly. I pulled away and took her arm and pulled her upstairs into the bathroom.

"What happened?"

"It''s a long story." She replied.

"I have time."

"Okay so me and Kian were dating he was so nice and he was wasn't a player or a 'bad boy' he was like a nerd. I loved him so much. He was my first boyfriend. Then he changed he started being the 'bad boy' and people were scared of him and he kept wanting to have sex. I didn't want to lose my virginity yet so he broke up with me because of that. I was heart broken. Then I finally moved on and found a new boy friend Sam. Sam Pottorff you may know him from school. Well we were together for a long time and I gave him my virginity. Kian was obviously jealous and started bullying Sam. He told Sam to break up or he would hurt him more and Sam did. He said he was sorry. Kian then started trying to get me back. I said no and he started bullying me. One day he said sorry he was even crying he cried for days until I forgave him but I decided to move school. The one that Jc goes to but now he's transferring to your school." She was now full on crying. I hugged her tightly as she cried onto my shoulder.

My sex teacher ||Kian Lawley Dirty fan fiction||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя