Chapter 16

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Hey long time no see! I'm sorry for not updating I've been SO busy with school.'s a chapter!

Enjoy my little m&m's!


I felt a soft pain in my left shoulder. I opened my eyes to a doctor poking me with a black pen. I quickly stood up without hurting Laura. 

"Um I'm sorry sir but you shouldn't be in here." He said. 

" yeah sorry." I said walking out. I felt like when you wake up with the flu. I went to the toilets. I washed my face and hands and walked back out. I walked slowly to the waiting room to find Laura's parents, George and Andrea. 

"Hey Kian they said it's family first. Sorry but we're waiting to go in right now." George said walking over to me. I nodded and sat down. I watched them go in. 

"Hey." I looked next to me to see Andrea.

"Hi." I mumbled. We sat in silence. I was looking down into my lap thinking about all of the things that have happened. Who is S? Was she run over on purpose? What is going on? Why didn't the car stop but carry on going?

I've never felt this way about anyone. I need Laura right now and if-

"Kian you can go in." George whispered. I realised that they have been and so has Andrea. I nodded and stood up. My hair was messy but Laura said that she loved it when it was messy. I miss her so much.

I walked into her room and pulled a chair. I sat down slowly into the white plastic chair. I sighed loudly and looked at her taking in her features. Even though she was covered in purple marks and blood covered bandages she was STILL beautiful.

The beeps of the heart monitor echoed in my ears and the smell of hospitals drowned my nostrils. On her wrist she had a white wristband with her name on it. There was a little white corner sticking out of it. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and carefully took her wrist. I pulled on the white corner and a note slipped out. I slowly let go of her hand. When I did the repetitive beeps started increasing and became faster. 

My heart started pounding so I quickly took her hand again. The eerie beeps came slowly back into the same pattern they were when I came in. She can feel my touch. 

"Laura." I said softly.

"Try squeezing back." I said squeezing her hand softly. I could feel her shaking on her sensitive skin.

I sighed and kissed her hand. I lifted up her hair to see my mark I made on her. I chuckled humorlessly. I felt something tickling my cheek. I used my free hand to wipe it. They were tears. I then remembered the note.  

It laid on the white tiled floor. I must have dropped it when I panicked. 

"Wait a sec." I said and kissed her lips. I took my hand out of hers and picked up the note. I unfolded it. It was like I had no more energy in me.

Aw poor Kian. Tried to fuck a virgin. Sorry I took her away from you.


The note said. My eyes went wide and I started hyperventilating. I dropped the note and looked around. I kissed Laura and walked out. 


It has been 2 months. 2 MONTHS. 2 whole months since Laura hasn't been here. 2 MONTHS!! 

I have been visiting her everyday. I had to sneak because her parents were getting suspicious to why I was visiting her. I hardly eat and feel weird and empty without Laura. 

I am lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. Nothing has happened with 'S' yet. It is 3:00 am. I'm not even tired. I'm going to see Laura.


I think it's been 2 months. I'm not sure. A lot of people have been visiting me. But I'm still going through this long ass tunnel. My body is numb and it's getting really annoying. People have been coming to visit me. Mostly Kian. But there's this one girl who comes but I don't know her name. I can't see her...obviously. She doesn't talk. She just walks around in silence. I can hear her high heels hitting against the floor. On the first day when Kian was asleep next to me she put something in my wristband. I think Kian might have seen it.


I got up slowly. I sighed and walked over to my closet. I put on a plain white shirt that sometimes Laura wore. I put on black skinny jeans and black converse. I left my hair messy and grabbed my car keys.

I drove slowly because there were hardly any cars. My eyelids were becoming heavy. I was now somehow very tired. I rubbed my eyes with a free hand. I looked straight at the road. My eyelids were slowly closing. Seconds later, everything turned black and I felt a hard pressure hit into me. 


Still in this fucked up tunnel. I've tried moving my finger at least but I can't. 

I heard the door open and close. Someone was visiting me. I heard heels clicking against the floor. It was her. She walked around with a beat of her clicking heels behind every step. 

"And now Kian's gone." She whispered and left. Wait what did she mean! What did she do to Kian! I wish I could see who it was.

I tried so hard and tried putting all of my weight on my finger. It worked! I wiggled my finger a little and I could feel blood rushing through my numb body...

(a/n) Sorry for the cliffhanger!!

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