Should've Realized

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Its been 2 years since Marco has been going out with Jackie. Sigh. Why can't he spend more time with me? Hes always some place with her. I liked Marco, but since he went out with Jackie, I dont think he ever will feel the same way back.

I climb out of bed. I heard the front door open, and some laughing. Marco and Jackie are in the living room talking. I didnt want to interrupt, but Marco saw me.

"Hey Star! Come sit with us!"

"I couldnt, I would just get in your way."

Marco frowned.

"Come on Star! You would never get in the way."

I give in and sit down next to Marco.

"Im gonna go make some nachos!"

Marco leaves. Jackie smiles at him. But when he was entirely out of the room, she shoots me a nasty look. She pointed her finger at me.

"Look Star Buttocks, dont get in between me and Marco. I know you want him. Too bad, cause he loves ME. You're just a fat, stupid, loser who wil NEVER get anyone to love you. Even if you do have magic or you're from 'Moony', you are just a spoiled, royal, brat. So just. Back. Off. Got it?"

I was shocked. I didnt think Jackie would be that mean to me. I didnt even do anything. I wanted to cry because it really hurt. But Marco had just come in. Jackie put on her angel face again.

"Hey Star, are you okay?" Marco asked concerned.

"Oh, Im fine! I just dont feel well. Im gonna go to my room." I said plastering on a fake smile. I sprinted as quickly as i could upstairs and slammed the door. Finally jumping on the bed, I broke down crying.


I was worried about Star. But I think shes fine. She smiled at least. Ill check on her later.

After Jackie kissed me goodbye and left, i cleaned up and went to go get ready for bed.

As i was passing Star's bedroom, I heard loud sobbing noises. I creaked open the door to look inside. Star was on her bed crying and holding a picture of me and her taking the puppies for a walk. She saw me, and threw the picture at me. Hard. It hit me right on the head. I closed the door, rubbing my newly-gotten bruise.

Well she doesnt look fine at all. I wonder why shes so angry at me and sad.

I go to my room and get a pillow as a shield. I go inside her room again. Its all quiet. Star had cried herself to sleep. Even in deep sleep she was sniffling. I sat down on her bed.

What did I do to make her so upset? What ever it is, Im gonna fix it.

I layed down next to her hugging her. Eventually falling asleep too.

~Ze Next Day~


I woke up. I felt something wrapped around me. It was Marco. I blushed furiously. I tried to get out of bed without waking him. But he woke up quickly. He blinked a few times, then blushed hard too.

"Um... Marco... what are you doing here?..."

"Well.. you were still crying, and I wanted to comfort you...."

I blushed. "Marco, Im sorry i threw that picture at you last night."

"Its fine. What made you so upset yesterday?"

I looked away. "Its just, you've been hanging out with Jackie so much and... We never go on adventures anymore... its like you've forgotten completely about me and, all you care for is Jackie."

"Star, i could never forget you! Youre my best friend!" He hugged me. I hugged back slightly. But I still had something that troubled me.

"Marco. Jackie made me upset. It wasnt entirely you."

"What do you mean, Jackie?"

"She said for me to back off, and that I was just trying to get you, and that i was fat, and stupid, and a loser, and all that stuff. She made me feel so, low compared to her."

I started to cry. Marco hugged me tighter.


Jackie seriously thought she could say that to my best and get away with it?

I got out my phone and went outside.

M: Jackie, im coming over. We need to talk.
J: okay babe, my parents are out today too. ;)

I cringed. I went over to Jackie's place. She opened the door.

"Hey Marco." She said flirtily.

"Jackie, we're breaking up."

"WHAT?!" She shrieked.

"Nobody talks to Star like that and hurts her. We are through."

"But I thought you loved me!"

"Not anymore." I think I love someone else.

I walked away, leaving Jackie fuming on her doorstep.

I came home, and saw that Star was on the couch playing some video games. I sat down next to Star. She paused the game and sat up next to me.

"Marco, why'd you leave like that?"

"I had to do something."

"I thought Jackie was coming over for lunch."

I sighed. "I broke up with her."

If Star had anything in her mouth she would've choked on it judging by the look on her face.

"What?! But, weren't you two like, velcro on each other?" Fuming at the last part.

I laughed. "No silly. I realized I didn't love her."

She looked at me. "Seriously?"

I stared back intently into her sea blue eyes. "Cause I remembered someone I forgot I loved more."

And I kissed her. She was still for a moment, but kissed back slightly rougher after a while. She wrapped her arms around my neck while i put mine on her waist. The kiss was long, because when we finally pulled apart, we were both gasping for breath.

"Star, I didnt realize it before but I have always loved you. Since that first day you moved in to now. I was just too dumb obsessing over Jackie to realize it."

She smiled. "I've always loved you too. I just never thought you would feel the same way because of Jackie. So i never tried." She rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you, Safe Kid."

"I love you too, Shooting Star."

WOW GUYS! IM SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE ANYTHING FOR LIKE, A WEEK! But ive been busy! Studying(dont judge), Piano, and just stuff! I am going to try and update before school starts again!

Also, did you guys see the new episode? I always predicted she would try to bust Pony Head out of prison! Also, MARCO HELD HER HAND SO MANY TIMES!!! JHHHVGHGVHDFG!!!!!! Well, thank you for reading! Hoped you all enjoyed!

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