Svtfoe Crossover with Ninjago and Gravity Falls and just, random

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So, this is not really a oneshot, but this is a collab ive been writing with my friend AshleyWaters456 my best friend! So we made this with our OCs, Rain and Ashley. We wrote their perspectives, and theres a little bit of Starco in it! Hope you guys enjoy!


I whistled as I swept the deck of the Bounty, wiping sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand.
It had to be at least 100 degrees out, but I wasn't bothered. As soon as I was done with my chore, I stood on the railing and jumped off and into the cool, fresh water surrounding the ship.
We were in the middle of a random freshwater lake, (Ninjago has tons of those), so I could see pretty clearly, and the water helped soothe my tired muscles.
It was heaven.
I felt a tug at the hem of my pants, and I looked down to see a small fish swimming around me playfully. I chuckled and reached out my hand, running it along the fish's smooth blue scales. It shuddered under my hand in joy, then zipped away, leaving me sitting on the silt bottom of the lake.
I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, letting my shoulder relax, stretching my back a bit. Meditation usually helped me chill a bit, especially now I had my little brother, Lloyd, back.
After a while, I swam back up to the surface, breaking through the crystal surface. I took in a deep breath of air, letting oxygen back into my bloodstream. Though I could breathe underwater, I still needed oxygen, or I know, die....kind of like a human dolphin.
I jumped up back onto the ship, doing quick Spinjitzu and appearing in a pair of dry clothes. An advantage of being able to do spinjitzu- quick changing.
As soon as I came out of my silver tornado in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, Cole, Kai, Jay, and Zane rushed onto the deck, all wearing their ninja gi and looking grave.
"What is it?!" I asked them, seeing their expressions as I tied back my long, curly hair in a quick bun. "Lord Garmadon's been spotted in Ninjago City. We're going to go fight him..." Kai trailed off when my face fell at the sound of my dad's name.
"O-oh." I changed again into my silver ninja gi, shifting uneasily. I still couldn't believe I was the destined silver ninja, the one with all of the powers. It did explain a lot, though, like how I could breathe underwater, and how things would just magically go wrong when I thought of horrible things or my emotions got out of check.
Lloyd ran onto the deck, wearing his green ninja gi, with Nya right behind him, wearing her Samurai X under-armor. I smiled as I watched my little brother struggle with putting on his ninja hood, and I helped pull it over his head.
"He's coming?" I asked Nya, but Sensei answered as he walked onto the deck as well. "Yes. It would be unwise to leave him alone with all of the mysterious serpentine sightings...that, and he would not stop asking." I laughed a little as Lloyd lifted his hood just above his nose and stuck his tongue out at Sensei, who also chuckled.

"Let's roll!" Jay cried, using his golden nunchucks to summon his awesome air jet. I smiled and used my golden knife to summon my fabulous silver fighter jet, and I flew alongside Jay, the ninja driving below us on the bank of the lake.
"So where are we headed?" I asked through the bluetooth mic on my dashboard. "The NTV news building." Cole replied, his voice talking through the speakers. "K."
We continued to Ninjago City, smoothly landing on the top of said news building. My jet disappeared in a flash, and the others arrived seconds later, driving up the side of the building.
"Man, that never gets old!" Jay high fived me, and we ran to our teammates. As we crept down the stairs leading from the roof into the building, I could feel my heart rate speeding up in anticipation of seeing those red eyes that used to haunt my nightmares, and used to flash angrily at me when my dad was mad at me or my mom. You will always be a disappointment.
I took a deep breath to calm myself, and we plunged into the pitch darkness of the building. For some reason, everything seemed shut down, abandoned. It sent chills up my spine, but then I felt a hand slip into mine, and I smiled. Lloyd.
We continued silently, until we heard a loud crash. We all jumped, and looked back at Jay, who was blushing so red I could see it in the now almost-darkness.
"Jay!" Kai hissed, smacking the back of his head. "Ow! I'm sorry!" Jay apologized loudly, making Cole and Nya smack his head too.
"Sorry you will be." A voice spoke from the darkness, and suddenly the spotlights hanging from the ceiling turned on, revealing my dad standing on a nearby news stage.
"Father! Why are you here?" I demanded, drawing my knife. He chuckled, and I noticed a bottle in his hand.
"Ashley. Again and again I ask, why you do not join me, rule by my side. You always refuse to answer, and instead fight me. Well, this time there will be no fight. This time, I will get the upper hand. Goodbye, ninja."
My dad pulled back my hand, aiming for my friends, who I realized were feet away from me and Lloyd. It dawned on me that whatever he was throwing, he wasn't throwing at me and Lloyd. This might've warmed my heart, except my friends looked terrified, and whatever was probably terrible. I couldn't let my dad hurt them.
"No!" I shouted. I leaped forward, dragging Lloyd with me as the bottle hit all of us, and everything went black.


I sat in my room doodling Bill Ciphers. Bill Cipher on the lamps. Bill on the walls. Bill on my clothes. Bill on the toilet seat. Star and Marco were downstairs eating nachos and watching tv. I was bored. Like, really bored. There was NOTHING to do in my room. Well, I could always read. But.... i've read all my books 20 times over and over again. THERE WERE TOO MANY BILL CIPHER NACHO THINGS AROUND MY ROOM. I needed help. Reading minds did weird things to you. There was only one thing to do. Make my life OTP happen.
I ran down the stairs, but failing and tripping on the third step tumbling down and landing face first onto the wood floor at the bottom.
"Ouch." I mumbled. "Mah face."
Star jumped up.
"OH NO! RAIN! Are you okay?"
"What does it look like?" I said, my voice muffled by the floor.
"Can I have some help? This floor is really warm. Urgh..."
"Sorry." Star said sheepishly, as she helped me up.
"Thanks. So.... are you guys gonna go anywhere?..."
"Um... Not really." Said Marco.
I grabbed Star's arm and pulled her upstairs.
"Star! Man up! You have to tell him one day! You know you love him!"
"But I can't! It'll ruin our friendship!" Star groaned.
I slapped her. Not too hard. Hopefully....
"I can read minds Star! I know it'll work!"
Star rubbed her cheek.
"Since when did you read minds?"
"Since I got introduced to television."
Star rolled her eyes. She looks at Marco from the railing.
"Do you really think he likes me?"
I crossed my arms. "What do you think?"
Star walked down the stairs. Suddenly, she whipped around.
I jumped onto the railing and slid down. I jumped at the last moment and did a backflip.
"BOOSH! FIRST TIME!!! Ow... my back...ugh..."
Star laughed. This time, I grabbed Marco.
Marco looked confused as I dragged him upstairs again.
"Look Safe kid, you gotta tell Star you love her. FIND THE PERFECT TIME AND SPIT IT OUT."
Marco blushed. He looked down at Star.
"How do you know she loves me?"
"I can read minds."
"Oh yeah? What am I thinking right now?"
"You realized you left a baby photo album of yourself on the sofa, and you're trying to get down there straight away before Star finds it."
"WHAT?! HOW?!"
"I studied a dream demon and I'm friends with one."
"You scare me sometimes..."
"Its what I aim for."
Marco went downstairs again. Probably to hide the photo album. I didn't. I needed the perfect place for my ship to happen. I ran to Star's room and grabbed her dimensional scissors. Running downstairs(and not falling this time), I dragged Star and Marco off the couch.
I cut open a portal to Mewni. Pushing Star and Marco in, i left a note for Mr and Mrs Diaz. Jumping through, I saw we had arrived in Mewni's palace garden. Nice, and romantic. I smirked.
Star and Marco were walking down a path. Star was showing Marco around. They both sat down on a bench. They were about to lean in when something that was just random, and weird happened.


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