Im A Girl(this was my dream)

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Well.... this is a dream i had. So im gonna expand on it. It was a cool scenario i guess?... but it could go wrong in so many ways or sound wrong. Bite me. I like it. Its mah book. Dill with it.


Marco diaz to the principald office. Marco diaz to the principals office.

Sweet! I was in trouble! AInt no good boy anymore. Im not a safe kid. I went to the principals office.

"Um... this is our new exchange student Star Butterfly. Shes a princess from another dimension."

I was confused. first of all i wasnt in trouble. Second, this is a princess from another dimension? Lastly, this was a boy in front of me.

"Hi!", 'SHe' said.

"Um... Hi?..."

"Marco, you have to give her a tour of the school. Your parents agreed to let her stay in your house."


We left the principals office.

"How exactly are you a princess or a girl?"

"Oh, before i got here, i was fighting some monsters. And their leader sort of switched my body. So I'm apparently a boy now. Only in looks though. I'm still a girl on the inside."

"That's weird. How long have you been a boy?"

"Around a week..."she said gloomily.

"What do you actually look like?"

"Are you good at imagining things?"

"I guess."

She took out a photo of a princess.

"This is me. If you can imagine me like this then it'll probably be easier too think of me actually being a girl."

I put that image in my mind. Secretly, based on the image, i thought she looked pretty cute when she was still a girl. Author's note: i know there is a lot that could go wrong but please bare with me.

~a month of star living with marco later~

Star was in her bedroom crying. I wonder if she's OK...

Lately this past month,I've grown fond of her personality and can see her as a girl in my head instead of a boy. I liked her personality. Cheerful. Fighting monsters was awesome.

"Star, you alright?"

"NO! I need my old body back! My mother just called, and she said she would throw me out if I dont get my old one back!"

I went and sat down next to her. It wasnt as awkward as before comforting her even though she looked like a boy.

"Ill help you get your body back."


"Of course! But how?"

"Well, when a spell is cast, only the wand that cast the spell can reverse it."

"So where is that wand?"

"Ludo has it."

"That monster dude? We're gonna get it back Star."

"Thanks Marco."

~sneaking off to Mewni~

Star was in front of me as we ran towards Ludo's castle.

"They left a window open to the throne room. We can get in with magic."

Star blasted a spell that sent both of us hurtling towards the window. We quickly climbed through.

~just blasting monsters until Ludo was left~

"Its over Ludo! Change me back!"

"What makes you think I'll do that?"

"We could easily get rid of you to take your staff."

"Fine." He surrendered and gave Star his staff. She said some words and she turned into a girl. She really was pretty. I stood there the entire time as she kicked Ludo out the window.

"Finally! I'm back in my own body!"


"Come on, let's go home."

She cut a portal and we went through.

~two or three weeks later~

Star and i were on three couch eating nachos. I never told her, but i had a huge crush on her. I was just staring art her when she caught me. I looked away quickly. She giggled.

"Dork." She rested her head on my shoulder.

I was blushing hard now. I had to tell her sooner or later. I had to do it now.

"Hey Star?"


"I've been meaning to tell you... weve known each other for a while and... its just...."

SHe was looking straight at me now.


"I like you! Like, like-like you!" I blurted out.

SHe blushed this time.

"Ive liked you for a long time too. I guess being in my boy body it wouldve been really weird to say and it would've been just, wrong. I didn't know you felt that way."

"I guess i liked your personality and everything're....beautiful....." i felt like my heart was gonna blow up.

She kissed me. Nothing long. Just, a kiss. It was great.

"I love you Marco." She said yawning as she fell asleep on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her shoulder.

"I love you too, Star."

I liked it. Ok? Hoping you guys do too! Sorry if there was too much cheese at the end. But my motto for that is, "If theres too much cheese, put some fries on it!"

Bad news, school starts tomorrow ;-;
I wont be able to update ANYTHING until the weekends. ANd if im lucky, fridays. I am sooo sorry! I love doing this! But, seventh grade cab get very busy and time consuming! Hope you guys understand! See you on the weekends! Maybe friday!

I love you all! <3

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