Valentines Day

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Today was Valentines Day.

Marco didn't think he'd ever had so much pressure on himself since the 6th grade formal.

Or cleaning his room.

It wasn't much better considering it was now a Valentines Day Dance.

"I was wondering if you'd go to the dance with me?" He choked out, kneeling in front of Star.

"Yes!" She yelled, hugging him tightly.

"So, how was that?" Marco asked,  standing up again.

"You did great! Jackie will totally say yes." Star said, patting him on the head.

"Are you sure, Star? I've never asked someone to a dance before. What if she turns me down?" He said worriedly.

"Pft, anyone who'd turn you down is stupid. You're great! And don't push yourself so much. Just be...Marco!" She said encouragingly.

"Thanks, Star." He replied, hugging her again before swinging his backpack onto his shoulder.

"So, who are you gonna go with?" Marco asked as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Oh I don't know really. Probably Oscar. Hopefully he doesn't say no." Star said with a light laugh.

Marco smiled, but it slightly wavered as he looked at her as she skipped down the road.

No, you can't be thinking like this. Besides, she probably doesn't like you anyways. Marco thought stubbornly to himself.

As they reached Echo Creek Academy, Marco saw Jackie skateboarding towards their direction.

"MARCO! IT'S JACKIE! ASK HER TO-" Marco slapped a hand over her mouth before she could continue since Jackie was approaching them.

He felt something wet against his hand, and he quickly yanked it back, blushing brightly.

"Star, did you just, lick me?" He asked, wiping his hand on his jacket.

She giggled, skipping away after giving Marco a quick shove towards Jackie.

He opened his mouth to protest, but by then, Star had already run away, and Jackie had already stopped in front of him.

"Hey Marco." She greeted, stopping her skateboard.

"H-hey, Jackie!" He squeaked, grinning nervously.

"What's up?" She asked, leaning on the railing as she propped her skateboard up.

"Uhhhhhh......willyougotothedancewithme?" He asked in one breath, his face turning a dark maroon as he shrunk back into his jacket.

"Oh um....I'm already going with someone else." The blonde replied, grinning sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Oh. It's alright." Marco replied, a sinking feeling in his gut as a wave of disappointment came over him. "It's fine, really."

"Again, sorry, Marco." Jackie said once more before skating away, leaving a heartbroken looking Marco on the sidewalk.

The rest of the day passed by in gray colors for Marco. However, even as he trudged gloomily through the school, he realized he had not seen Star the whole day ever since she had ran off.

"Hi mama, have you seen Star?" He asked once he got home, throwing his backpack onto his couch.

Mrs. Diaz appeared from the kitchen, a worried look on her face. "Ah yes. She showed up just before you did. She's on the roof now."

Starco One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora