New Years

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Some quick drive by Starco fluff for yal :33

"Hey Marco, do you have a giant cactus?" Star called from upstairs.

"Uh, no. Why?" Marco asked, taking down some Christmas decorations.

"I wanna do my Mewni tradition!" Star replied, slidding down the stair railing.

"And what is that?" He asked, bopping her on the nose with his finger.

She giggled. "We gotta set a multi colored bomb off from the top of the cactus."

"Sorry, Star. You're just gonna have to settle with normal fireworks. We don't have giant cactuses! Unless the ones up front count." Marco said, carrying a box full of ornaments into the attic.

"I'll settle for fireworks." Star said, happily plopping down on the stairway, watching Marco finish packing everything.

"So, you wanna go buy some fireworks?" Marco finally asked, pushing the last box into place before closing the attic stairway.

"What do fireworks do?" Star asked, propping her chin on her hands, looking at him like a child learning about Santa Claus for the first time.

"Well, they shoot off into the sky, like a shooting star, and explode into color everywhere!" He explained, sitting down next to Star.

"Do they explode?" Star asked excitedly.

"Yeah, they do. What's up with you and explosions lately?" Marco asked, laughing.

"I like explosions that are colorful." She replied, beaming. "Come on, Marco! Those fireworks don't buy themselves!"

They went to a party store, where a large selection of fireworks were set out.

"What do you have in mind, Star?" Marco asked as Star skipped down the row, gaping at the multi colored designs.

"Well obviously there should be colors! Lots of them! Are there such things as scented fireworks? That's be so awesome! What if one made puppies fall out of the sky! Or better yet, laser puppies! Or maybe..." Star rambled, on and on.

Marco smiled as she began talking excitedly to an old woman.

"Do you have a star design firework with a lot of colors?" He asked the salesman, who smiled, and presented him a multicolored rocket, a star glistening on the front.

He dragged Star over to a party section where they chose the hats and glasses.

"Why do the glasses have numbers instead of lenses in them?" Star asked, looking interestedly at a pink 2016 one.

"It's to represent the new year! Not to read books." Marco replied, grabbing a bag of party hats.

They walked back home when it began to get dark, and helped Mr and Mrs Diaz prepare the fireworks.

"Ok mijos, don't set the house on fire!" Mrs Diaz said with a smile, handing Star a match.

"We promise we won't, mom!" Marco called, climbing onto the rooftop.

"So...when do we set them off?" Star asked, waving the match in front of her as she layed sprawled on the rugged rooftop.

"When the clock hits midnight." Marco said, laying down next to her.

"Then what?" She asked, surprising him with the question.

"What do you mean, Star?" He asked, turning his head to face her.

"What happens next?" She asked, the starry night's lights reflected off her eyes like stardust on a sea blue orb.

"Then, we welcome the new year. And move forward. And sleep." He said with a grin, making her giggle.

"Is it time yet, Marco?" She asked, checking his wristwatch.

"Just one more minute." He replied, counting down the seconds in anticipation.

"15...14...13..." He counted aloud.

"10...9...8..." Star caught on.

"5...4...3..." They said together, Star swipping the match across the tiles.

"2...1." They concluded, and Star lit the firework, sending it flying into the heavens in a burst of bright colors, illuminating the night sky.

"That was amazing." She whispered, staring at the disolving shape of the star, weaved between other stars.

"Yeah." Marco breathed, looking over at the blonde, rather than the sky.

"Marco...thank you." Star finally said, looking over at Marco again.

"For what?" He asked, confused.

"For giving me the best year ever." She replied, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Happy new year, Star." He said softly, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

And so, they layed there together, watching as more fireworks joined the faint shape of the star that had been there first.

Hope you all enjoyed! Happy new year! And I know I'm a day late, but I'm rushing to get this in!

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