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"MARCOOOOOO!!!" Star hollered, dashing down the stairs, her wand gripped tightly in her hand.

"What is it Star?" Marco asked as he jumped up from the couch, dropping his phone.

"Today's a holiday!" She shrieked, grabbing the calendar off the wall and shoving it into his face.

"Um...yeah, Star. It's Thanksgiving. Didn't you know?" He asked, pushing the calendar away from his face.

"Obviously...not. What is it?" Star asked excitedly.

"It's just a holiday where we spend time with our families." Marco explained, adjusting the calendar on the wall again.

"But my parents don't want me home." Star said, sadly.

"You could try calling them! You never really know!"

Star thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Ok, Marco. Just lemme go check if the mirror phone plan came yet!" Star yelled before dashing upstairs again.

Bursting into her room, she checked the service connection on her mirror, satisfied to see that the bar was full.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, call Mom."

After a few static bursts, Queen Butterfly appeared.

"Ah, Star darling. Why are you calling?"

"Hi mom! I was just wondering if I could come home for Thanksgiving!"

"What's that? A human holiday?" He mother asked with pursed lips.

"Um...yeah! It's a family holiday." Star said nervously.

"No. We do not meddle with silly human traditions."

"But mom!"

"No. You're not coming home for something that silly."

With that, the static burst, and her mom disappeared from the screen.

Star sighed, sitting down sadly.

"Hey, Star! You there?" Came Marco's voice on the other side of the bedroom door.

Star waved her wand and the door flew open.

"Are you- Hey, you alright, Star?" Marco asked worriedly, going over a wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Apparently Mewnians don't 'meddle with silly human traditions.'" Star said grumpily.

"Hey, how bout you have a Thanksgiving with us? You are like family to us." Marco said, smiling at Star.

She looked up at him, grinning.

"Really, Marco?"

He nodded, and held out a hand to help her up.

"Come on, let's go help set up for later."

A Long Afternoon of Stupid Thanksgiving Puns and Decorating Later


"Star! Marco! Come down for the Thanksgiving feast!" Mrs Diaz called from downstairs.

"Coming!" Marco called, adjusting the last feather on a turkey hat before placing it on Star's head.

"Tahdah!" He said, satisfied.

Star grinned, adjusting his crown as well.

"There! Wanna go downstairs now?"

"Yeah. You have the hats?"

With a nod, Star grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Diaz! We brought party haats!" Star yelled in a sing song voice.

"They look great!" Mr Diaz exclaimed, putting one on while Mrs Diaz took the other.

"Well, who wants to eat?" Mrs Diaz asked motioning towards the food.

After a long while of stuffing themselves silly, they finally cleaned up the table and got ready for bed.

"Goodnight ninos!" Mrs Diaz called before going into their room.

"Night Mr and Mrs Diaz!" Star called.

"Hey, wanna go outside?" Marco asked, pointing towards the front door.


Climbing onto the roof, they gazed up at the stars that shot past them in the midst of the darkness.

"Hey Marco, what else do you do on Thanksgiving?" Star asked, laying back.

"Well, we just say what we're thankful for." Marco said, laying down next to her.

"Then in that case, I'm thankful you can be counted as my family." Star said hugging him.

"And I'm thankful I have you as a friend." Marco said, laying an arm across her shoulders.

After a while, Star finally drifted off to sleep.

"I love you, Star." Marco whispered, looking down at her sleeping form.

"Love you too, Safe Kid." Star mumbled, smirking as he jolted slightly in surprise.

Wanted to say sorry for the long wait! I've been really busy! Mock STAAR, tests, exams, piano, just random academic stuff. Also I've been running out of prompts, and luckily for me, it was Thanksgiving and I got the idea! Anywho, I'll try to update soon, and Happy Thanksgiving!


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