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Hello, dear readers!

It's ya boi, Rainbow_golded. Back from the dead. And about to go back to being dead because this book just isn't gonna survive alongside high school.

Luckily for you guys, I have a strong emotional attachment with this book. Even though I'm tempted to delete this entire thing and pretend it never existed because I cannot stand my old writing, it's still a memory that I want to keep around. BUT, I WILL RETURN TO UPDATE ONE DAY, IF NOT TODAY OR THIS WEEK OR THIS MONTH,  I WILL RETURN!

On a side note, I feel like I owe you guys a bit of an explanation (because you're such loyal readers and I'm so touched by how long you've all been here, like dang) for why I've been lacking on this story in particular.

Simple enough: I've lost interest in Star Vs. The Forces of Evil (largely due to the fact that I don't have cable anymore). In fact, I've lost interest in a lot of things this past year, even Gravity Falls (a show I used to think I couldn't live without). I'm sorry guys, but I just let them slip away from me. I've moved on to simply writing my own original stories instead of fanfiction like I used to.

Again, I'm not abandoning this book. I may have lost interest in the show, but I'm still able to write stories for it! I still have Starco stored away as my OTP, though I haven't revisited it much. I'm a softie for romantic one-shots, so never fear! I'll be here to provide you all with fluff and occasional resolved angst!

Also, a bit of shameless advertising, but do you guys want to start writing (if that wasn't already the reason you joined Wattpad)? Do you want to find ways to be more excited about your writing? Do you want to enjoy your writing?

Then check out my other book, How to Write Okay-ish!

A not-very-helpful-but-helpful writing guide! Think Bob Ross' The Joy of Painting but with writing instead of painting.

It's all about loving the art that you create, not perfecting it (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

To end this brief author's note, I want to say thank you again, because I can never thank you guys enough for all your love and support. Thank you for sticking with this amateur writer through several years of writing development and thank you for playing such a large role in inspiring that development.

You are all the best and I can't fully express my gratitude for you guys. Stay healthy, happy, and wonderful!

- Rainbow_golded -

Starco One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now