McDonald's Worker AU

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Marco blushed as the college student walked towards the counter, her arms balancing around 6 textbooks and a laptop. The girl was incredibly pretty: golden-blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun with loose bangs hanging absently in front of her face. The front of her hair was held back with a devil-horned headband.

"What's up, bro?" She greeted cheerfully, trying, but failing, to look at him past the pile. The part-time cashier could only see one of her eyes from behind a large physics book.

"D'you need help?" He asked awkwardly as she fumbled to catch a falling textbook.

"It's fine!" She chirped, holding a book with her foot. "It might seem hasty, but can I order now?"

"Right! Sorry!" Marco blurted out, scrambling to his register. "What'll you have?"

"One McCafe with an extra shot of espresso." The girl ordered with a beaming smile before dropping a wad of cash on the counter. "Sorry, it's probably more than the cost, but just keep it. I've got finals to study for."

"If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable!" He yelped before he could stop himself. Flushing bright red, he clapped both hands to his mouth in embarrassment. Luckily, the girl only laughed brightly, nearly tipping her laptop onto the floor.

"That's actually a good one!" She finally said once she was done laughing, patting his hand before turning and heading towards an empty table.

"Haha, yea." He laughed weakly as he watched her walk away. Berating himself silently as he made the coffee, he couldn't help but sneak glances in her direction every now and then.

She wore an teal dress with what looked to be an octopus on the front along with multicoloured leggings and shoes that had a monster face on them. Somehow, her style of clothes only made her more attractive to him.

The boy blushed at the thought, hurriedly putting a lid on the coffee before calling out the number.

"Thanks!" She said as she took the coffee, eyes still glued to her notebook, unknowing of the dumbstruck look plastered on his face.

Later as his shift was about to end, the girl finally stood up from where she had been lounging in the corner of the restaurant.

"Thanks for the coffee!" She quipped, sliding a napkin at him before smirking almost seductively at him. Confused, Marco opened the folded paper to reveal a messy scrawl across the crisp white.

It's handy I have my library card, cause I've been checking you out. ~Star xxx-xxx-xxxx

When he looked up again, the girl, Star, had already walked out the door, leaving him staring after her in his own stupor.


So I may or may not have ripped off one of my own short stories (it was for a school project, and I was allowed to write a fanfiction about two people in my class, okay?)


NEWS FLASH: State exams are finally done! And all I have now are my language finals. So I'll be having more time write now! HOORAY!

Also: If it wouldn't be a bother for you guys, would you mind checking out my other story, 'The Trip of a Lifetime'? (Shameless self advertising, I know, but please ;-;;) It's an original story (though, we used Dipper and Mabel; we're probably going to change that since it makes no difference either way), and me and GamingGeek21 really tried our best on it! Thanks guys!

For those of my readers who've stuck through this gigantic hiatus and for my new ones as well: I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU SO MUCH HUGS AND LASER PUPPIES!

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