Chapter 4

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Kailee skipped along side Jason, Danny and Darry while they were at a park.

Kailee looked at all of the rides with wide, fascinating eyes.

"Angel, these are called rides. That one is called a roller coaster, that one is a Ferris wheel and the houses are fun houses. What do you want to go on first?" Danny asked.

"I would like to go on the thing you call a roller coaster." Kailee's eyes twinkled.

"Are you sure? You are new here and roller coasters can be scary." Danny warned her.

"I am sure." Kailee reassured him.

"Alright then, let's go!" Jason yelled.


"Keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times. Thank you." The announcement said.

The ride jerked forward as it began slowly.

The roller coaster went higher and higher and higher.

Then it dropped.

Kailee screamed with joy and put her hands out beside her like a bird.

It didn't feel as good as flying, but it was good for humans' standards.

Darry was gripping the bars for dear life and Jason was screaming for joy just like Danny.

Kailee looked down to see the pavement and the humans on it.

She wanted to jump off and fly.

So she did.


Danny looked beside him and smiled at Kailee.

She had a smile lit up on her face and her arms stretched like wings.

He smiled and looked to see Darry on his other side, eyes closed and white knuckles gripping the bars.

He laughed at his friend's fear of heights.

Jason was screaming and laughing as well.

He closed his eyes and faced forward, feeling the wind in his face and hair.

He could imagine him in the sky flying.

The clouds, the birds, the wind, the pure free-

"-anny! Danny! For the love of! Daniel!" He heard Jason yelp.

He opened his eyes to see his friend's eyes wide with fear.

"What?" Danny asked loudly, trying to tell over the wind.

"Your girlfriend is trying to commit suicide!"

"She is not my- wait, WHAT?!" Danny screeched.

He looked to the other side of him to see Kailee maneuvering her way out of the bulky harness that kept you in place.

She slipped out and gripped the side of the coaster, trying to stand on the edge.

He saw the look of happiness and bliss on her face and knew immediately what she was actually wanting to do.

He heard screams and knew that other people were seeing Kailee trying to jump off.

"Angel! Sit down! Your not supposed to get off!" He yelled at her.

"But Danny! I want to fly!" She laughed.

"No! People will see you and you can't fly! You'll kill yourself!" Danny couldn't tell her that humans can't fly because then everyone would get suspicious.

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