Chapter 15

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All of them gasped, not including Danny.

Danny and Kailee stood there, waiting for reactions.

"Danny fell in love with Satan's daughter? I'm starting to think this whole summer so far is just a dream." Darry said blankly.

Kailee blanched, not expecting him to say that.

Jason and CeCe took a few more seconds to come around.

"You couldn't have told me this in the kitchen?" CeCe asked.

"Nope!" Kailee said.

Jason was the one to say something this time. "I'm officially never doubting the mysteries of this world anymore, because by now I've seen an Angel, found out she's my best friend's Guardian, discovered she was Satan's daughter raised by God, and now I think I'm starting to feel slightly light headed."

Kailee blinked. "Well, don't pass out now. Cause I'm not carrying you, and I don't think the others are either."

"What does that have to do with me passing out?" Jason asked.

"Your body will probably be eaten by bugs and wild animals if we leave you passed out. The cops will find your dead, mutilated body and think that it was a murder. Then the apocalypse will start," Kailee concluded.

They all stared at her.

"What?" She asked innocently. "I've seen it in a vision."

'Not really...' Kailee thought to herself.

"That's disturbing," Danny said.

Everyone agreed.


One Week Later- School

"Wow, the summer really went by fast." Darry said.

"I know." Jason replied.

CeCe had parted with the boys and went her own way, but still went to school with them.

Kailee had to leave to Hell to help rule it since Satan was her father and she thought that she should at least meet him.

"I'm here!" A voice yelled.

Darry and Jason looked to see Danny bent over, hands on his knees, breathing hard.

"I'm-gasp-here!" He said again, panting.

It took some time, but eventually Danny accepted the fact Kailee had to go her own way. Luckily, she had agreed to visit every now and then.

School had started Monday, and today was Friday.

Students had gotten adjusted to their schedules and we're now reacquainted with each other.

It was lunch time, and when the bell rang, they were allowed to hang around outside.

(Don't know how high school is. Sry!)

Danny got his breath and stood back up.

"Damn, the office is far away from the doors." He complained.

"Oh, high school!" Jason sung sarcastically.

Darry elbowed him and rolled his eyes. "Ignore him. So when is Kailee coming for a visit?"

Danny scratched the back of his head. "Not sure. I didn't really get the details. All she said, and I quote, is 'Don't worry, I'll visit often. Your my boyfriend and I'm not leaving you for some demon king, even if he is my father.' So, I don't have a clue." Danny finished.

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