Chapter 12

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Kailee stalked out of the house and started towards the park Danny, Darry, and Jason had brought her to months ago.

It was the only thing she could thing of that made her happy.


"So what? He just blocked you, and slammed the door in you face?" Darry asked.

"Yes! I went to his house to ask what was wrong but he slammed the door on me. He wouldn't answer my texts or calls, either. I figured he blocked me." Jason concluded.

"So something's wrong! Danny wouldn't do that for no reason. Maybe something happened with Kailee." Darry suggested.

"Kailee? No way! She is way too innocent and naive to make him mad or angry."

"Maybe she rejected him when he told her his feelings." Darry replied.

"Kailee likes him too! She wouldn't reject him for that." Jason rolled his eyes.

"I guess." Darry sighed.

They both kept walking, and started towards the park.


Kailee pulled her beanie lower on her head, making sure to cover her pointed ears.

Kailee kept a blank look on as she walked through the park.

Kailee looked from side to side, loving the peaceful atmosphere the place gave her.

She didn't notice the two boys.


Darry and Jason weren't paying attention when they bumped into a girl.

All of them fell onto their butts, and Darry was the first to brush himself off and offer his hand to the girl.

"I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up." Darry apologized.

The girl in black got up by herself, denying his hand and looked at them.

Grey eyes pierced his.


Kailee watched as Jason hopped up and looked at her while Darry still stared at her.

'Not them! Anyone but them!' She internally screamed, but kept a blank look on.


Darry and Jason observed the girl.

She had a black beanie with a black T-Shirt and black jeans. She wore leather gloves and had a blank, expressionless look on her face.

She had brown hair and unnatural grey eyes they had only seen on one person before.

"Kailee?!" They both spoke in unison.

'No...' Kailee thought, suddenly scared.


"Who's Kailee?" Kailee asked, playing dumb, her voice empty.

"Only Kailee has grey eyes." Jason said.

"These are contacts." Kailee lied. She hoped that her lack of knowledge before fooled the boys into thinking she wasn't Kailee.

"Okay, sorry." Darry apologized.

Kailee nodded and walked away.


"Dude! She could be lying!" Jason burst.

"Kailee doesn't even know what contacts are, dip-wad! And besides, Kailee wears white and is always happy! That girl was the exact opposite." Darry snapped back.

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