Chapter 5

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Okay, so that could've gone better.

"Okay! You do not just jump off a roller coaster! Seriously, are you that stupid!? Are you that much of an idiot?! Do you know anything?!" Darry burst.

He didn't mean to sound harsh, but he was mad at them. Danny wouldn't tell either of them the truth. Kailee wouldn't either.

Kailee's lip quivered and tears slowly crept down her face.

"I am a freak, am I not? Is that what you are calling me? Am I an outcast just like I was back home?" Kailee spoke quietly.

"Darry..." Jason warned, trying to keep his friend from talking.

"Yes! You are! Who jumps out of a vehicle moving at top speeds that's like, 90 feet in the air? A retard! That's who!" Darry growled.

Kailee's face turned red with anger. "Father sent me here because he thought people would accept me! Back home, all I am is a freak, an abomination. All because of my eyes! But when I do something I did not mean to, I am cast aside! Yelled at like an abused animal who has done wrong! I may not be like you, act like you, or know anything, but know this, human." She hissed the last word, venom dripping.

Her eyes glowed pure white now, no pupil showing.

"I will have more humanity than you ever will. Because one who is kind and accepting does not call the other a freak! An idiot or retard! Was it all an act? Being nice to me one moment, just to strike me the next? Or were you nice to me because you thought I was like you? Do you only accept people who are normal? Like you? You, human, will be put in your place one way or another! Whether it is done by my father or me!"

"Your sins will be punished! Know that and don't forget it! Humans are no better than my kind at home!" She screeched, fury evident in her voice and body.

Darry and Jason stood there in shock.

Her eyes glowed with a bright white light, no pupil shown.

Her body gave off a bright white glow as well, making her a walking glow stick.

Her hands glowed with blue energy and her hair had started to whip around, as if non existent wind was blowing it.

Danny stood there, wide eyes too, but fear was also shown.

The excuse 'anger issues' wasn't going to cut it this time.

"Angel, breath." Danny spoke softly.

Kailee took a few breaths her hair, eyes, hands and body went back to normal.

She shut her eyes tight and looked down.

She looked up and opened her eyes, to reveal her normal grey eyes.

"The only humans who are different are Danny and his mother." She said, lowly.

She turned around and stalked away.


"What...?" Darry stuttered.

"Really dude!" Danny narrowed his eyes at him.

"I didn't mean to. I was angry and I've been under stress. I didn't mean to take it out on her." Darry said.

"Personally, I would like to know what the light show was." Jason said warily.

"Ugh.... would you believe me if I said special effects?" Danny squeaked.

"Daniel...." Darry warned.

"It's none of your business. Anyone who yells at Kailee and calls her names can go screw themselves." Danny spat, suddenly snapping.

Her turned around and stalked after Kailee.

Leaving the boys to walk home by themselves.


Darry shifted from side to side in his bed.

Bright white light. That was it.

He scrunched his eyes up more, even though they were already closed.

A shadow was coming, fading into view in the white light.

Darry rolled onto his back and faced the ceiling, a confused look on his sleeping face.

The man came into view.

Darry saw a man about in his late 40's.

He had brown hair and a mustache. He wore a white robe with a purple belt and he had bright glowing green eyes.

Darry knew he looked familiar. He'd seen this man before. That's when it came to him.

'God? The Lord?' Darry questioned. God smiled slightly but nodded, nonetheless.

'Darrel Trouse. You've done something you regret.' God told him.

'I don't understand. Am I dead? Am I in heaven?' Darry asked fearfully.

'No. Heaven looks nothing like this. It's much more exotic.' God said.

'Why am I dreaming about this?' Darry asked.

'You are not. I am contacting you through your dreams.' God told him.

'But why?' Darry asked curiously.

'You called Kailee many names today, and hurt her deeply.' God reminded Darry.

Darry sighed sadly. 'Yeah, I did and I'm not very proud of it. I regret everything I told her. But I don't get it. A lot of people have done that before. And I don't think you would visit everyone of them. So why me?'

'Kailee is special. You know that. You've seen the power she posses, do you not?'

'Yah. Today. But I don't get it. What is she? Who is she really? And why does Danny know?' Darry asked.

'Kailee is Daniel's Guardian Angel. She comes from Heaven, where I live. I know her personally. I was the one who sent her to protect Danny after all.'

'What?! That's why she doesn't know anything? Is there a reason she tried to jump?' Darry asked, shocked.

'Kailee has wings. She is just able to hide them for a short period of time. She was going to jump off and fly. Daniel had to tell her that she wasn't supposed to.' God explained.

'This explains everything. The reason why she doesn't know anything, the reason she called me human, the reason she talks weird.' Darry listed off.

'Yes. And I have one more thing to tell you Darrel. But once I tell you, I'm ending this dream.' God said.


'Because I don't need to go deaf when you scream.' God smirked.

'What do you me-' Darry was cut off.

'Kailee is my daughter.'

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Darry screamed, bolting up in his bed.

Darry's dad rushed into the room with his shot gun, his mom right behind him.

"What happened?!" He burst.

"Nothing dad. Just a dream." Darry lied.

"Nightmare?" His mom asked, motherly.

"No. Just a very shocking dream ending. I'm fine." Darry said.

"Okay, we're going back to bed. Night, Darr." His mom used his nickname.

"Night, mom. Night, dad."

Darry's parents left and closed the door behind them.

"Oh... You have some series explained to do, Harp." Darry mumbled to himself before falling back asleep.

Ready to chew Danny for keeping such as a Guardian Angel a secret.

Boy, would Jason be shocked.

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