Chapter 23

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Kailee and Riniua spent the rest of the day running and messing around.

Most demons paid no attention to them, so they were free to cause any mischief wherever they pleased.

Both demon girls ran away from an angry demon bully, laughing.

They had dumped wet demon pet food on his head when they caught him picking on a small demon child.

He growled angrily as he chased them through the streets of Hell.

"Hey, Riniua?" Kailee asked as they kept sprinting.

"Yeah?" Riniua asked as she breathed harder.

"What city is this? I'm barely ever out of my house." Kailee asked. If Hell was like Assiah, then this would be some type of city, and the rest of Hell was like Assiah. A big world.

Riniua was slightly confused on how Kailee didn't know what city this was, but didn't question it, afraid it might offend Kailee.

"This is Omerhas." Riniua answered.

Kailee nodded and filed this information into the back of her mind.

Both girls turned a corner and fled into a grocery store. The bully followed.

"Come on. I know the perfect hiding place." Riniua suggested.

Kailee followed Riniua since she knew more than Kailee did about Omerhas.

Riniua and Kailee twisted and sped through isles and areas to try and lose the bully before they went to Riniua's secret hiding place.

Once they had gotten him far enough away from them, Riniua led Kailee to the back of the store.

She opened a door and pulled her outside.

The outside back of the store was empty, and very deserted.

"Nobody ever comes back here. It's the perfect place to hide from that demon." Riniua smiled and Kailee laughed at the word play her so-called shy friend used.

"What time is it?" Kailee asked.

Riniua glanced down to the small watch on her wrist. "It's...woah! Time flys by when you're running from demon bullies! It's 7:00 PM already!"

"Crap!" Kailee cursed. "Dad's going to kill me!"

"Don't worry. I know the way home. Well, to my home anyway. What street do you live on?" Riniua asked.

Kailee hesitated. She didn't want Riniua to know about her royal heritage. For once, she wanted to be normal. As normal as she could be for a demon, at least. Telling her the street she lived on would mean telling her that she lived in the castle that took up more than one street ever could.

"Oh, I know my way home." Kailee lied. "I'll see you later!"

"Bye!" Riniua waved as she ran off towards home.

"Bye!" Kailee waved.

She huffed as she stood alone at the outside back of the store. "Now, I just need to find my way home. Can't be that hard, right? It's a giant castle!"


"This is so hard!" Kailee whined.

Apparently the city had been bigger than she'd previously thought, so the castle was harder to find.

Bad news was that she had been wondering around for hours, and she assumed it was probably midnight by now. There was not a single light or demon in sight.

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