Chapter 16

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Happy Halloween, doggies!

Kailee lunged at Jared and tackled him. He hit the ground and Kailee reared back her fist to punch his face in.

Jared kicked her in the stomach and Kailee rolled off, but she got back up immediately, not even phased or in pain from the kick.

Jared scrambled up and tried to punch her, but she dodged it and kicked him in the stomach.

Jared flew back a few feet and hit the ground again.

"That wasn't even my full strength. You're pathetic." Kailee growled.

Students with wide eyes backed away as soon as Kailee spoke again. She wasn't aware that she was speaking in her demon voice.

Jared coughed as a little blood dribbled out of his mouth.

"What are you? You crazy bit*h!" He snarled at her.

Kailee snarled right back. "What I am is angry! You punched Danny and now I'm going to drag you back to Hell with me!"

Jared hadn't registered Kailee's voice before, but now that he wasn't blinded by rage, he could hear it clearly.

He stumbled back with wide eyes of fear.

Danny was panicking. Thankfully, her flames had not burst through, but her demonic voice was enough to say something.

Darry and Jason didn't have a clue what to do. It was obvious someone needed to stop Kailee, but they were afraid if they got in the way, they would be in worse condition than Jared.

Danny took a few steps toward his girlfriend. "Kailee, stop. I'm fine. Jared is a bully, but he's weak. His punch barely hurt."

Jared had heard the comment, but was too scared for his life to acknowledge it.

Kailee turned around to get a view of Danny. He had light bruise on his cheek, but otherwise he seemed to be perfectly fine and not in pain.

Kailee visibly calmed down. "Fine." Her voice went back to normal. "But I still would've liked to drag him back to Hell with me." Others thought it was just a metaphor, but Danny, Darry and Jason knew better.

"What is going on out here!?" A voice screeched.

All students turned to see the principal walk out of the school doors.

"Danny and his girlfriend ambushed me! I was talking to my friends when all of a sudden they jumped me!" Jared lied.

The principal looked at Jared on the ground, bleeding and bruised.

"He's lying, Ms. Lare! He tried to punch Kailee, but hit me instead so Kailee defended me!" Danny tried to tell her.

"Jared is the sweetest boy I know! He never lied to me. Why would he lie now! You and your girlfriend are going to be expelled! For hurting a student and for lying to your principal."

This pushed Kailee to the limit. This was exactly what had happened to her in Heaven all the time.

"That freak punched me! I was trying to be nice to her, but she punched me!" Shora shrieked.

"No! It's a lie! She punched me first and told me to go to Hell!" Kailee swore.

"I will not tolerate it! Shora is the sweetest one here, she would never punch another! You are a freak, you stupid devil! I can not believe a freak like you would be loved by God!" The elder Angel said.

Kailee shook with rage. "You stupid, bit*h! You just favor Jared! You never listen to any of the other students and you probably know that bullies the others! But you don't care, do you!? Do you?!"

Her fangs got lightly sharper and longer.

She yanked off her beanie to reveal her pointed ears, but now they were about 5 inches long and more narrow.

Her nails grew to sharp points, and her red pupils glowed.

Her tail unfurled from her waist and stood out stretched. It seemed to have gotten longer, now the length of two yard sticks.

Her blue fire horns lit up on her head and the tip of her tail lit up in the same blue fire.

But something else was different, her whole body was surrounded in her fire too.

Everyone screamed and gasped, as they scurried away from her. Ms. Lare shrieked and pulled Jared away.

"Back, you demon!" She cursed.

"I may be a demon, but I have more humanity than you ever will!" Kailee sneered.

"What you are doing to Danny is exactly what every Angel treated me like when I was in Heaven! I was ridiculed and treated like the punching bag with no feelings for the other Angels! They treated me horribly because I was a demon! I didn't even know I was!! I didn't choose to be a demon! I didn't choose to be Satan's daughter!" Kailee yelled.

With that fact revealed, more gasps spread.

"Shut up! She's Satan's daughter, but she is my best friend!" A voice cut in.

Everyone turned to see Cecelia Grove standing there.

"She may not be an Angel, but after all I heard, I'd say the other Angels aren't even Angels! She let me see my dead mom again, she talked to me nicely and kindly and accepted me as I came. I accepted her as she came! She is my friend and I will stand by her!" CeCe shouted.

Kailee turned to look at CeCe. "You really mean that?"

"With all my heart." CeCe promised.

"And she's my girlfriend! I loved her even when I thought she was an Angel and I loved her even after I knew she was Satan's daughter!" Danny joined in.

"She was oblivious, and completely new to Earth, but she was my friend! Even after I called her an idiot, and after I shunned her, she still forgave me! She still thought of me as her friend! So, she will always be mine too!" Darry yelled.

"I agree!" Jason joined the rebellion. "She was the most air headed person I'd ever seen, but she was nice to us, and she had her reasons for being like she was! She's no different than the rest of us!"

CeCe, Danny, Darry, and Jason all stood side by side Kailee, even as she was burning in her own flames.

"We won't turn our backs on her because she was something she couldn't control!" They all chorused.

Kailee's flames died down as she calmed. Her ears went back to their elf like appearance and her fangs dulled slightly. Her nails went back to their clipped state, but her tail stayed out, even if it wasn't on fire. Her red pupils also stayed shown.

"Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." She quietly whispered to her friends and boyfriend.

"Thank you."

Hope you liked this chapter! The book is not over yet!! Bye my doggies!

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