Chapter 17

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The incident at school was behind all of them afterwards.

Kailee erased all of the students minds, so all they knew was that Danny had a girlfriend. They didn't even know what she looked like.

Jared was pretty confused when he realized he had a jacked up face, but no one suspected anything.


"Mom! I'm home!" Danny announced as he walked into the doorway.

"Oh, good! Then you can help with the dishes!" She called back.

Danny dropped his backpack on the floor and walked into the kitchen to see his mom cleaning dishes.

He smiled and moved beside her, grabbed a rag, and started to help.

"So, Danny. Are you sure you're okay about Kailee going back to Heaven?" She asked.

Danny flinched. No one had told her of Kailee's demonic heritage because they all feared that she would be banned from seeing Danny if his mom found out. She was a Christian, after all.

Danny smiled shakily. "Yeah. She visits."

Lillian noticed his tone and how it shook, leading her to know something was up.

She sighed and dropped the rag in the sink, then turned off the water.

Danny looked at her curiously, but she just gently took the rag out of his hand, put it in the sink and dragged him to the couch.

He sat down, and she sat down next to him.

"Danny, you know you can tell me anything, right?" She spoke softly.

"Yeah, I know. Mom, are you okay?" He looked at her, concerned.

"The question is, are you? Sweety, I've seen the way your voice shakes and cracks when I bring her up. I've seen the way you flinch. Are you really okay about her leaving?"

"Yes!" He exclaimed, stunned. "I am. Mom, that's not why I don't like to talk about Kailee."

"Then why?" She asked.

He sighed and rubbed the sides of his face. "Okay, there are a few things I didn't tell you about Kailee."

"What?" Lillian asked, warily.

"Okay, I'll start with easier one. We're a couple." Danny informed her.

"That's great!! Is that why you're so nervous on the subject?" Because she's closer to you than she was before?" Lillian asked.

"No. That's the other thing. Kailee didn't go back to Heaven."

"What?!" She screamed. "Then where did she go?!"

"Hell." He answered simply.

"Hell? Hell! What do you mean Hell!? She's an Angel!" Lillian shrieked.

"Mom, calm down. Let me explain. Kailee was never an Angel. It's the reason her eyes were like they were. God only put Angel illusions on her. They disappeared a few months ago when her true heritage came about."

"So, what is she?" She asked hesitantly.

"A demon, Mom. She's a demon, and Satan's daughter." Danny replied.

Lillian's world came crashing down around her.


She saw a winged girl on the ceiling.

"Hi. I'm Kailee.

"I did not know that humans had to eat stuff that other humans tell them."

"I'm Kailee. I am your son's Guardian Angel sent by my father himself to protect him."

"You humans have the weirdest language I have ever encountered."

"How many humans change their name? I have already met two and you are the third. I do not understand what there is to hate about your original name."

"So you've spoken of."

"That would be delightful. I will go cleanse myself before the meal."

"I do not know. Father says it is because I am only sixteen and I was born long after the bible was created."

"What is this?"

"Well, it's delicious. What is it made of?"

Kailee spit it all out onto the table.

"You mean to tell me that you eat animals! That's horrid!"

"If it means I do not eat animals, then yes, yes it does."

Lillian remembered how Kailee spoke, how nice she was.

Was she really any different now that she knew Kailee was a actually a demon? Satan's daughter?

She wanted to say no, it didn't. But for some reason she couldn't bring herself to look at Kailee the same.

And Lillian hated herself for it.


"Mom, Kailee's coming over today? She looks different so can you not stare?" Her son asked nicely.

"Sure honey. She's still Kailee, right?"

Her son smiled at her for understanding and turned to go back in his room.

'She's still Kailee, she's still Kailee. So why can't I see it like that?' Lillian thought.


When Kailee materialized in the living room, Lillian was shocked.

Kailee had a two yard long tail with a fluffy tuft at the end, and the tuft was covered in blue fire.

Her ears were narrow and pointed, about 5 inches long.

Her nails were pointed, like claws.

Her pupils were crimson and her top and bottom canines looked so sharp, like they could kill you with one prick.

On her head were two horns made out of blue fire, too.

Kailee looked so... Different.

"Hey! It's so nice to see you again! It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Kailee smiled, her fangs showing.

Kailee hugged Lillian and Lillian hugged back.

When Kailee pulled away, Lillian noticed Kailee's tail wagging back and forth, leaving a trail of blue light.

"Can you tell me where Danny is?" Kailee asked.

"He's in his room." Lillian answered.

"Thanks!" Kailee started to walk to Danny's door, but Lillian suddenly yelled. "Don't be doing anything in there, you got that?"

Kailee blushed and opened the door. "Lili!" She shrieked, embarrassed and slammed the door behind her.

Lillian slowly smiled. 'It's still Kailee.'

Not done yet, doggies! Still have a few more chapters to go! And just so you know, the vision Kailee had before she went goth will not happen because since she told Danny about her heritage, it changed how everything happened and will happen. Just want to clear that up for future reference!

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