Tenchi bridge and Sasuke

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Sayomi's pov

Apart from some complications around Sai, the trip went fine. We had a great meal and the hot springs were very nice as well.

We had spent a night in a hotel nearby the hot springs and the dinner we had there was delicious.

I shared a room with Sakura, and she was the one who had to deal with my bad habits in the morning. When she wanted to wake up, I accidently threw a kunai towards her, leaving a small scratch on her cheek. I woke up and realized what I've done. "I'm sorry! It's a habit I picked up during training!" I apologized to her.

"You have a kunai with you when you sleep?" Sakura asked. "How did you pick up a habit like that?"

"Well, Chiyoko had a lot of enemies who would attack us in the middle of the night, multiple times." I said and gave her an apologetic smile.

She wasn't angry at me at all and we both got dressed and went outside, only to see Sai drawing. Sakura immediately asked him what he was drawing while I stayed behind, waiting for the rest, so we could move on and meet up with that spy.

*timeskip no jutsu*

We arrived at the bridge, but only Yamato - looking like Sasori's puppet - revealed himself. We found out Kabuto was the spy, but he saw through Yamato's disguise. Yamato gave us the sign to reveal ourselves too and guess who also came...


He said a lot of things, including Sasuke, just to piss off Naruto. "Naruto, don't let him get to you." I warned. "He's only trying to get you to lose control over the Kyuubi."

"Sayomi's right, Naruto." Yamato said.

Sayumi's pov

I had arrived, only to see there was someone posing as Sasori to get information from his spy - Kabuto.

I watched, interested to see if his disguise worked or not. If it worked, it would also mean less trouble for me to go through, I was only here for information anyway. Though I wouldn't mind killing both Kabuto and Orochimaru if I got the chance.

I sensed more chakra, recognizing it as Sayomi's, the Jinchuuriki's and the pink bitch's. I hid my chakra and continued watching. At first, it seemed to work, but then Kabuto attacked him and the rest of their team came out.

Suddenly, one more person arrived at the scene, Orochimaru. He said some things that pissed the blonde Jinchuuriki off, causing orange chakra to leak out of him. Now, this is interesting.

I decided to remain hidden until I found a good chance to come out. I let a paper butterfly follow them, so I could find them whenever I wanted. There was a whole fight between the wood style user, the pink haired bitch and Sayomi against Kabuto. The boy I didn't recognize didn't help at all and flew off, leaving pinky to fall. I like that guy already... I thought. Leaving her to die like that...

*timeskip no jutsu*

Pinky had been saved, but was injured by the enraged Jinchuuriki. Kabuto healed her a bit, saying he kept them alive so they could kill off more Akatsuki members. Not going to work, son of a bitch! I thought. I wouldn't let myself get killed by any of them.

I followed him, making sure he didn't notice me at all. I noticed the pale guy who I liked for leaving pink bitch to die was with them for some reason. I let a butterfly follow them and watched as Sayomi and her team came to this clearing.

Sayomi's pov

We arrived at the clearing and found Sai's picture book laying on the ground. Sakura picked it up and looked at the pages. We all watched with her, to see if it could be any use to us, give us information...

We came to a conclusion and kept moving, but Naruto still felt the strain on his body, caused by the Kyuubi's chakra leaking out of him. "Naruto, are you sure you can continue?" I asked, worried about him.

"Sayomi-chan, I'm not letting the chance to get Sasuke back go to waste! I'm coming with you!" he said.

"Just know we can't stop al the time." Yamato said before we left to follow Orochimaru.

*timeskip no jutsu*

We had found Sai, had gotten him to help us and we were also able to capture Kabuto. While we looked for Sasuke inside the hideout, Yamato's clone watched Kabuto.

We split up in groups, Naruto went with Sai and I and Sakura went with Yamato. We were the ones to find Sasuke - well, Sai found him - and as I suspected, he didn't cooperate.

Almost the entire room had been blown up and we were standing in a huge crater. Naruto soon found us and stared at Sasuke, who stood above us. Sakura and Yamato soon joined too. "S-Sasuke-kun..." Sakura muttered.

"The entire team 7 is here, but where's Kakashi?" Sasuke asked.

"He couldn't be here, so I came in his place." Yamato said.

Sasuke jumped down and harmed Yamato by stabbing him with lightning. "Captain Yamato!" we all cried out.


Orochimaru and Kabuto had also showed up and Sasuke joined them. Before they could leave, another voice was heard. "Leaving so soon? I came here to gain information, but I guess you weren't planning on giving it anyway."

We turned around and saw a girl with raven hair, covering her rigjt eye, wearing an Akatsuki cloak which did reveal her legs and a giant scroll tied to a belt on her back standing above us, looking at Kabuto.


Third person pov

"Were you sent to replace Sasori?" Kabuto asked her.

"I was indeed." she replied coldly. "Though my intention was to kill you afterwards."

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked her.

"Sayumi Uchiha." she said. "Don't you remember me from the chunin exams two years ago?"

"I don't believe your an Uchiha. Prove it."

She sighed. "Fine." she said as she turned around, put off her Akatsuki cloak and revealed an Uchiha clan symbol on the back of her shirt.

Suddenly, Sakura chrushed the cliff and the stone wall fell apart in rocks and Sayumi disappeared. "Where did she go?" Naruto asked.

"Did I--" Sakura startled.

"You certainly did not kill me, bitch." she heard a calm voice behind her and she felt cold metal against her neck. She carefully turned around and looked into one crimson red eye, with a black pattern on it. "I'd love to torture you, using these eyes, but I would just be a waste if I use it against you."

Sakura's eyes widened and she vaguely saw Sasuke coming her way. She didn't say anything, hoping Sasuke would kill the ravenette before she could kill her. Sayumi had noticed it in time and blocked Sasuke's attack and stared at him with her Mangenkyou Sharingan activated. "Is that all you can do?"

Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise by the sight of Sayumi's eyes. "Do you believe me now?" she asked.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "Join my side." he said. "Leave the Akatsuki and help me avenge our clan by killing Itachi."

"No." Sayumi said. "I won't let you kill Itachi nii-san. If you do, I'll torture you until you wish you were dead." she added before disappearing.

Back in the village

They had told Tsunade everything, about the original mission, Sasuke and Sayumi. "Sayomi, would you be willing to kill Sayumi if she would pose a threat towards the Leaf or your comrades?" Tsunade asked in all seriousness.

"...yes." Sayomi said softly. "But only if there's no other way."


Dun dun dun

Hope you liked it! (I did skip a lot, didn't I?)

Question: Who has the best outfit?

-x Crartistic

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