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Third person pov

It was like any other peaceful day in Konoha, it seemed like nothing could go wrong. Keiichi was telling Sayomi everything he knew about their clan, when they suddenly heard the sound of an explosions and they saw giant clouds of smoke appearing everywhere.

"What's going on?!" Sayomi exclaimed.

They ran towards the source of one of the smoke clouds and saw a giant centipede attacking a young child. Keiichi picked the child up, while Sayomi defeated the centipede by punching it with a chakra-empowered punch.

"Keiichi, go help others out!" Sayomi exclaimed. "I'll be fine!"

Keiichi nodded and brought the child to safety before defeating other summoning animals, saving innocent villagers.

Sayomi ran from place to place, helping as many people as she could. She suddenly saw Katsuya, Tsunade's summon, come her way. "Are you alright?" she asked Sayomi.

Sayomi nodded. "I'll be fine." she said.


Danzo had just killed the toad who was supposed to bring the message about the village being under attack to Naruto, when he heard a voice.

"Killing an innocent, defenseless frog... how pathetic." the voice said. Danzo looked around and ended up looking at a girl with raven hair, covering her right eye, wearing an Akatsuki cloak. "Well, I wasn't expecting better, to be honest, you just let Itachi nii-san do the dirty work for you, didn't you?"

She looked at him with a hateful expression, her visible eye red. "Who are you?" Danzo asked.

"My name? Why should I tell you?" the girl asked him in return. "It doesn't matter if you're dead anyway... I'll torture you first of course."

Is she... an Uchiha?! Danzo thought, looking at her Sharingan. She launched an attack at him, but he dodged and got away with just a scratch.

"You're pretty fast for an old geezer, I'll admit." she taunted. "But you're not fast enough to match my speed."

Before he knew it, the girl was behind him, causing him to look straight into her eye, getting caught in her Tsukiyomi, where she tortured him with a satisfied smile on her face.

"You're easier than I thought..." she muttered, but she was attacked from behind by one of the elders. She made her sword appear and blocked the elder's attack. "You old geezers never learn, do you?" she sneered.

"Who are you and what have you done to Danzo?" the male elder asked.

"That's none of your business, damn geezer. But I'll tell you my name in exchange for an answer on my question, were you really the ones who ordered Itachi nii-san to murder his entire clan?"

The female elder nodded. "It's true." she said. "Now who are you?"

"My name is Sayumi. Sayumi Uchiha." the girl replied.

"What?! That's impossible!" the male elder exclaimed before Sayumi pulled the two elders in her Tsukiyomi as well. Afterwards, she killed all three of them by stabbing them.

That felt damn good! Sayumi thought before she prepared to leave the building and get information on the Jinchuuriki. The three elders had been very persistent and didn't tell anything.


"Where's the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki?" Sayumi demanded to know, while threatening to kill the person with her paper. Suddenly, a kunai was thrown her way and she was distracted.

"AKUMA NO ORIGAMI!" the man exclaimed before Sayumi swiftly killed him. More kunai were thrown at her, but she divided herself into paper again and appeared behind the one who threw them. It was a young boy, probably a genin, wearing a blue scarf.

He turned around and jumped off the roof, landed on his feet and got in a fighting stance. "That's absolutely adorable, you think you can defeat me?" Sayumi questioned. "Guess what, I'm not called Akuma no Origami for nothing."

Sayumi attacked the boy with her paper, in the meanwhile asking where the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki was. "Tell me and I'll spare you." she said.

"I won't sell out Naruto nii-san!" he replied, yelling. "I'd rather die!"

"That's a shame, you're still a kid." Sayumi replied without emotion.

"I'll defeat you! Even if it costes me my life!" the boy exclaimed. "My name is Konohamaru and I'll protect the village and the villagers no matter what!"

"You're far too weak to defeat me." Sayumi told him bluntly. "You're looking at an S-rank criminal, you're just a genin."

"I'm not weak!" Konohamaru shouted before he attacked Sayumi with his Rasengan, but Sayumi had seen it coming and was already arranging a counter attack.

"Katon, great fireball." she said, sending a fireball towards Konohamaru.

"Suiton, water barrier!" another voice exclaimed before a crappy wall of water appeared, it was just enough to stop Sayumi's fireball.

"That was the crappiest jutsu I've ever seen." Konohamaru stated.

"But if it wasn't for me, you'd be burned to ashes by now." the voice said. "Now run, I'll deal with this enemy."

Once the smoke had cleared, the girl who had told Konohamaru to run looked at Sayumi with widened eyes. "Sayumi..." she muttered.

Sayumi returned her shocked expression by one of relief. "You survived this long, I guess you didn't have to deal with any of Pein-sama's paths?"

Before Sayomi could reply, Sayumi was summoned by Pein once again, just outside the village. "Sayumi, go back to the hideout, Konan and I will handle the rest."

Sayumi nodded and left, though she hated the fact she had to leave early. She didn't want to go in against Pein's orders.


Hope you liked it! I was so happy when I got to kill Danzo, I absolutely hate that guy!

Question: Who's more strict, Sayomi or Sayumi?

-x Crartistic

Different Worlds pt II (sequel to Different Worlds) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now