Kabuto vs Susanoo

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Naruto and Killer B were fighting against Itachi and Nagato. It was hard for them, concidering their skill level, but they were able to fight them off. Itachi threw kunai from a spot where they couldn't see him, aiming them perfectly. Before it could hit them, the kunai were stopped by paper. Another enemy? Naruto thought. Sayumi appeared in front of them in a whirlwind of paper. "Be glad I'm the one who found you, not one of Kabuto's marionets."

"Are you... alive?" Naruto asked.

Sayumi turned her head and looked him in the eyes. "Do I look alive to you?" she asked. "But I'm certainly not under that ass's control."

Nagato's eyes widened. "How?" he asked. "How is that possible?"

"A technique someone else used on me." Sayumi replied. "Every single thing I do is now at my own free will."

*timeskip no jutsu* (you know how the rest of the fight goes ;))

Sasuke's pov

While I was running, I saw two familiar people running in the opposite direction. Itachi? Sayumi? I wondered before I turned around. "Wait!" I exclaimed. "Are you Itachi Uchiha? And are you Sayumi Uchiha?"

He didn't reply, nor did she. I used my Susanoo to try and stop them, but they resisted by using their Susanoo as well. "There are so many things I want to ask you!" I exclaimed. I wanted to know why he lied to me, why he let me live and so much more. There was also one thing I wanted to know from Sayumi, did she even care about me at all?

"We're in a hurry, we don't have time to answer your questions." Sayumi stated.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"It's a technique, we have to stop it." Itachi said.

Third person pov

The three Uchihas arrived at the cave where Kabuto was. After a short while, the fight started. Tye only disadvantage was that they couldn't kill Kabuto, to Sayumi's dislike. "When we're finished, can I kill him?"

"You won't have enough time." Itachi said.

"Fuck, you're right." Sayumi muttered. "Well, I can always kick his sorry ass." she added with a smirk.

Sadistic as always... Itachi thought.

Both Sasuke and Itachi activated their Susanoo and worked together to land a hit on him. Sayumi was actually surprised by how well Itachi and Sasuke could work together. "Would you mind if I broke some of his bones?" Sayumi asked. "Only the ones he won't need of course."

"Like you can lay a hit on me." Kabuto said, smirking. "You're just a little, immature, deceased girl after all."

"You shouldn't have said that." Sayumi stated, giving him a closed eye smile which meant she was really pissed, what Itachi knew. "Now, which leg do I break first?"

Sayumi tried to attack him while Sasuke and Itachi were distracting him, but he noticed her attack soon enough and dodged it, but felt multiple paper kunai hitting his leg soon after.

Kabuto realized he had been underestimating the female Uchiha and decided to use his ultimate defense and to use stronger attacks.

"Sayumi, watch out!" Sasuke cried out when he noticed Kabuto attacked, aiming to rip her in half.

However, instead of having to regenerate, Sayumi let herself dissolve into paper and appeared behind him. She wanted to knock him unconcious, but Kabuto disappeared, it had apparently been a clone. Sayumi quickly turned around and let herself appear next to Itachi just in time.

"He's strong and my genjutsu doesn't work on him." Sayumi said.

"What do we do to defeat him?" Sasuke asked.

"Are you sure you've got time for chatting right now?" Kabuto asked, attacking them, but Itachi used Amaterasu to create a wall between them.

They discussed what they were going to do. Itachi would use Izanami to pull Kabuto in an endless loop, which would make it easier to control him.

*timeskip no jutsu* (sorry, laziness -_- , you know how it goes anyway...)

Itachi had used Izanami on Kabuto and had put him in an endless loop. He was ordering Kabuto to reverse the Edo Tensei which he did.

Itachi showed them why he killed their entire clan, except for Sasuke through a genjutsu while he was disappearing. "Sasuke, no matter what you'll decide, I will always love you." he said.

"Sayumi, I have to tell you something." Sasuke suddenly said. "I..." He blushed, which made Itachi smile lightly. It was obvious to him he had fallen in love with Sayumi, but Sayumi was too dense on this matter to notice.

"Why are you blushing?" she asked, oblivious to the fact he was in love with her.

Sasuke decided the best way to tell her was through action, so he kissed her, not thinking about the consequences. Sayumi stood still, unable to move, but still unraveling bit by bit (~Oshiete oshiete~ Sorry) "I love you." he said. "Do you...?"

"I... don't know." Sayumi said. "I would need time to think about it." she added before Sasuke gave her a hug to show her how much he cared about her. (A/N: He's so ooc, I know...)

Sayumi returned the hug, to his surprise. "It's possible I don't love you romantically, but I do care about you." she said.

Itachi disappeared with a smile on his face, he was happy for them, especially because Sayumi apparently got a second chance, since the slowly disappearing had stopped. "What the hell is going on?" Sayumi asked. "Am I actually... alive?"


Hope you liked it, even though it was terribly short and the ending probably sucks...

By the way, there will be a Q&A when this story is over, so you can ask anything, you can ask me or any of my OCs from this story. I'm curious to see what kind of things you'll ask ^^

-x Crartistic

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