Preference #3 Contact names for eachother

364 19 25


Yours: Mi Amore- because he just loved it and it fits you well
His: Fedorible Patrick stump- because well Patrick stump is our adorable fedora boy


Yours: babe- because you hate it when he calls you that and he loves the faces you make when he says it

His: Peter panda: because he is so cuddly even know he seams tuff he's a softy


Yours: cupcake- because he thinks your sweet and he likes cupcakes
His: Joe Joe my hoe hoe with the fro fro....because....obviously


Yours: carebear: because you share the biggest bear hugs and you care to much
His: my Veggie man- because he's your vegan super hero


Shit guys I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while it's just ugh I have no excuse kill (kill joy) me if you want!!

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