Shouted words Patrick stump imagine part.2

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A/N: @slickmascara you seemed quite enthusiastic about a second part so, here you are!

Also I know I would get the second part of the Brendon imagine up today, but I started school today and haven't had much time to write. But it might be up later today, or possibly tomorrow.

On to the story!

You start to get ready to meet this Patrick guy, and are pumped. You are feeling bold today, so you slick on some eyeliner and rock a red lip. You are feeling your look, and the world must know.

You decide to take your guitar, the acoustic, so Patrick will be sure to know it's you. You pull on a pair of shoes, and head out the door.

You head towards the park and sit at a picnic bench. Unlatching your guitar case, you pull it out and start to play the song you played when Patrick was singing. You can hear from behind you the same voice you heard in your apartment.

Turning around, you see a pretty short guy with dusty blond hair in a fedora and glasses. On anyone else it would have been the dorkiest thing ever, but on him it looked dang fine.

You smirk at him and say, "So you're the one who's been writing my songs."

"Guess so," he replies, sitting next to you. "And you're the one with the guitar."

"Guess so," you say back. "So, what's this band that you may or may not be a part of? Have I heard of them?"

"Probably," he says honesly. "Fall Out Boy. We just came back from a hiatus with a new album."

"Save Rock and Roll," you say. "I just got that. Absolutely brilliant."

He smiles and says, "Glad to hear it. So what's your stage name? You must obviously have a record deal with guitar skills like that."

You blush a bit at the compliment. "(Y/FL/N). I only just got signed, and now my manager is up my but for my first single... I can come up with music just fine, but forget about lyrics."

Patrick frowns. "Well, I wish I could help," he says, adjusting his fedora. Suddenly a smile creeps across his face. "Oh but I could," he says mischievously.

You look at him warily. "What?"

"Two syllables. Co-llab."

At that you almost drop your guitar. The lead singer of Fall Out Boy wants to collab with you? "Are you serious?" You choke out.

He shrugs. "Well, I'd have to talk to the guys, but I don't see why not. We've been looking to put something out lately and-" you cut him off by putting down your guitar and throwing your arms around his neck.

"That would be incredible! Thank you thank you thank you!" You say.

He laughs and hugs you back. "Absolutely. You could see how we go through the process, what the industry is really like, all that jazz."

You laugh a bit and pull away. "I swear I could kiss you right now!"

Both your eyes widen and you look down, blushing. "I mean, like, um-" It's his turn to cut you off when he grabs your chin and looks at you before lightly pressing his lips you yours.

After a few seconds, you both pull away and you smile. "You have lipstick on your face," you say, chuckling.

He smiles a bit but doesn't wipe it off. "I guess I'll just have to get used to that," he says, before pulling you into another sweet kiss.

A/N: Hola. It is me, again. Sorry this is so short, I just fried my brain getting this XD. Anyhoo, I hoped you liked this, and if you did, please give it a vote and comment.

Also, part three?

QUESTION TIME: What would your first single be if you became a music artist?

Adios, peoples of the world!

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now