Preference #5 What he finds cute

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Ok so me and 5moreminutesmom are going to try and take turn she does the fall out boy ones I do the MCR one and we work in the panic one together only in this one we will let you know if we do this again oh and i did dallon's and 5moreminutesmom did Brendon)

His Favorite Thing About You- FOB 5moreminutesmomAndy- Your hair. He loves the color and how you can't stop touching it when you're nervous. Especially when you do a braid, as he can't figure out how you do the simple yet intricate patterns.

Joe- Your ears. No matter how hard you try to hide it, they always go bright red whenever you're embarrassed. He especially loves when you tug on them when you get excited.

Patrick- Your nose. Even though you hate it, he is constantly poking it. He'll wake you up by tickling it, making you end up scrunching your nose up like a rabbit. And when you're sad, he'll give it a quick kiss, and you can't help but smile.

Pete- Your lips. They tell him exactly how you feel. When you're angry, you pull a Tyler Oakley and turn into the "Lipless." (Dumbledore claps if you know what that means) When you're excited or nervous, you tend to bite your lower lip. And of course, he loves the smile you give when you're happy. (Plus, you're a pretty good kisser ;))

His favorite thing about you- MCR (me)

Your feet"That's weird Brianna why?"Well let me start off by saying he thinks your feet are so soft and small. He loves to tickle your feet since there so soft there sensitive and your really ticklish.

He loves what you hate about yourself.If you think your fat (your not) he will love you even if your are or not (you are not fat) he loves you no matter what. He also loves that if you feel insecure he can hold you and make you feel better.

He loves your EyelashesHe loves when you want something you beg and bat your eyelashes and they are really long so they make you look to adorable

(mine *hiss*)This might be weird but your smellHe loves the smell of your hair the (scent) shampoo and (scent) conditioner you use especially your (scent) perfume.

His Favorite Thing About You- P!ATD

Brendon- (5moreminutesmom)

Your skin. It's always so soft and smooth. Not to mention a beautiful skin tone. He's constantly running a finger over your cheek or your forehead, and now you know why.

Dallon: (me)

He loves your touch "Weird!"

Shut up let me finish

If he has nightmare your thee to hug him kiss him when he comes home your there to cuddle anytime of and fun time as well. (Whoops)


hey guys how are they when I work with 5moreminutesmom it think she does a million times better than me what do you think want imagine contacts us pm/dm us luv ya!!!!!!!!

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now