Joe imagine #2

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A/N: This was requested by KillerQueenie , so I hope you enjoy! Imagine like very early FOB... (Also, you guitar in this, okay? Okay.)

I feel like I'm going to throw up.

 My band is about to go on stage, for the first time ever. 

I keep rubbing the guitar pick in my pocket for good luck. 

Somehow it soothes me.We're playing at the tiniest festival ever, if you could call it that. It's more of a collection of people who liked pop-punk music at a park with a stage.

 We were some of the only entertainment there, besides this other band performing later, Fall Out Boy.

 There is about 40 or 50 people milling around, some blasting music, some just talking. 

I look to Annika, our lead singer, and she gives me a nod and we began up the stairs to the stage.

I take my place on the left side of the stage and plugged my guitar into an amp, strumming it once to get people's attention.

 Annika gives me another nod before calling out to the crowd, "Are we doing good out there?" The crowd gives a small cheer and she continues. 

"Good, because we are (Band Name) and we are here to shake things up!"Our drummer, Casey, taps his drumsticks together a few times before we start, and we play a few older songs be for we do one of our newest songs, also the most difficult and nerve-wracking due to the guitar solo just before the bridge.

I play a bit timidly, until I see a little group of four off to the side of the stage. 

This must be Fall Out Boy. 

One has long brown curly hair and is smirking at me, as if challenging me.I accept.I can feel myself sweating as we get closer and closer to my time, but when it finally arrives, I'm so full of adrenaline between the challenge and the general atmosphere I just feel like fire.

 I don't focus on the crowd. I don't focus on my band. I don't even focus on breathing, because all that really matters is the fretboard and the pick.

I finish strong with a power chord, and Annika picks it right up, and we finish our set, me panting and everyone tired.

The crowd gives a massive cheer (as massive as 40 people can give) and I can't help but smile and take a little bow. 

 As I get off the stage, I feel a little tap on my shoulder. It's the guy from earlier. 

"Hey," he says nervously, sticking his hands in his pocket.

 "Great playing up there." 

 Taking my guitar off my shoulders, I reply, "Thanks. I saw your little smirk from the sidelines and couldn't let it go unnoticed."

   He scratches the back of his neck, and says, "Yeah, I was bit skeptical..." I smirk at him and say, "I could tell. 

Guess you were wrong though, huh?" "Yeah. 

How about you prove me wrong again when I say you will not go get coffee with me after we finish our set?" 

 I raise an eyebrow at him, "Cocky, I see. But since I do love to prove people wrong, I accept."

 "Joe, stop flirting! We have a show to do and she's out of your league anyway!"

 I hear a guy with "emo" hair and eyeliner call out. "Shut up, Pete!" Joe yells. 

 I laugh and call back, "Thanks, Pete!" Joe blushes red as a tomato and I laugh again.

 "Well Joe, my name is Anto, so just find me after the concert, okay?" I attempt a wink before walking off with my guitar. Successful show? Successful show. 

 A/N: I know this is really short but I like it a lot, so I hope you do too!

 PS. Would you like to see a part two with the coffee date? I have a lot of fluffy ideas... 

 QUESTION TIME: What do you wear for pajamas? I wear zebra and leopard footy pajamas interchangeably. As always, please comment and vote if you thought it was worthy! Thank you all and remember to never go to bed before midnight! ~Katie

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now