Brendon Urie Imagine #2 - Changing Fate

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A/N: This will be in more than one part! Not sure how exactly how many, but more than one. The next part will be up tomorrow, but here is the first. Also, updates (from me at least) may be a bit less frequent as school is starting. ( this was written by: 5moreminutesmom)

You wake up happy. You dreamt that you had found a small black puppy with a white spot on his head on the side of the road, cold, dirty, and scared. You took it home and cleaned it up, naming it Toby. He was all energetic and happy, it just gave you that warm fuzzy feeling.

Stretching your limbs, you crawl out of bed and start playing music from your phone. The first song that comes on is This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco. Brendon, the lead singer, had been your best friend since preschool. When he started the band, you became the number one fan, buying all the music and going to every concert you could.

You sing along, pouring some Cheerios into a bowl, and dramatically singing at the milk, "IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOO." It was one of those days.

You took a breath to sing the next line, but someone else that sounds a lot like the recorded song beats you to it.

"These words are knives and often leave scars!" Brendon waltzes into your apartment, continuing the song.

You smile and turn down the music. "What's up, Brendon Urine?" You greet him, referencing the time he wet his pants during a presentation in sixth grade.

"Not much, what about you, (embarrassing nickname)?"

"Gotta have my bowl," you say, pouring the milk and taking a spoonful of cereal into your mouth. "But seriously why are you in my apartment at 9 in the morning?"

"Well," Brendon starts, leaning against the counter. "I have a day off today, so I thought I'd come by and see if you wanted to go down town today."

You swallow your cereal and reply, "Sounds good. I just need to get dressed." You quickly finish your cereal, making jokes with Brendon along the way.

You hurry to your room and just throw on some jeans and a sweater, and head back to the kitchen where Brendon is in your fridge. "Why do you have nothing to eat?" He asks.

"I do have things to eat, but not chips and dip, which is what you're looking for," you say, lacing up some combat boots.

He throws up his hand in frustration. "Exactly!"

You laugh and grab your keys before heading out the door. He follows you out and you head to his car.

When you get to the freeway, you see something that catches your eye. A little black puppy on the side of the road. "Brendon, pull over," you say, staring at the puppy.

He does as you say, despite being quite confused. You hop out of the car, and jog down the side of the road to the dog. You stood stock-still for a moment as a wave of deja vu washes over you.

It was just like your dream. The pup had the same white patch, and was next to the same pothole as the one you saw.

You snap out of your trance when you hear a door shut and Brendon call out, "Y/N! What happened?"

You ignore him, and reach out to pick up the little animal. It sniffs your hand cautiously, before letting you pet it. You can feel little bits of dirt and rock and a bit of dried blood in its fur.

Brendon catches up with you and sees the puppy. "Y/N, you can't save everything." You had been known to come home with a stray animal once or twice.

"I know that, but this is different," you argue. "You're going to think I'm crazy, but I've seen this dog in a dream before. I took it home and cleaned it. His name was Toby. It's like he's telling me to take him home."

Brendon runs a hand through his hair and sighs, just like he does when he knows he's going to lose an argument. "Okay, fine. We'll take him home."

You squealed and threw your arms around him. To anyone else, you would have looked like a couple, and the media had certainly spread some of those rumors. But you had grown used to it and now just kind of did whatever felt okay.

"Thanks Brendon!" You say excitedly.

He chuckles and hugs you back before letting you go so you can pick up the puppy.

By the time you get home, Toby is wriggling around in your lap, trying to get out. You giggle at him and take him inside to clean him.

Brendon watches you fuss over him, and you turn to him and say, "I know this wasn't exactly the day you had in mind, but do you wanna help me clean this little booger?"

He pouts. "But I thought I was your little booger."

You laugh and say, "I have two nostrils." You put the little dog in the sink and ask Brendon to run and get your shampoo, as you didn't have any dog shampoo on hand.

As you start testing the water to make sure it wasn't too hot, you feel someone pull the neck of your sweater back and a cold trickle of something slide down you back. You gasp and turn around to see Brendon trying not to laugh, a bottle of open shampoo in his hand.

"Brendon Boyd Urie!" You shout before turning back to Toby. "I swear I hate you sometimes."

"Yeah, but you don't the other times," he says smugly, setting the shampoo on the counter.

You roll your eyes and squirt some shampoo into your hand before lathering up the dog who's been trying to escape ever since the water started running.

Soon enough, Toby is clean and running around your apartment. You go out to buy some puppy supplies with Brendon, and end up almost getting kicked out for squeaking all the toys, making all the dogs go nuts.

When you arrive home, you see Toby left a little present on your carpet. You groan clean it up with the poop bags you just bought.

You hear barking from the living room and go back in to see Toby and Brendon playing on the floor. Brendon is holding one end of a rope toy and Toby has the other in his mouth.

Soon, Brendon lets go of his end, and it sends Toby stumbling backward. You smirk and just watch for a minute, totally content.

Today has been a dream.

A/N:(5moreminte Hallo. How was that? Did you like it? I hope so.

QUESTION TIME: If you could have any pet, real or mythical, what would you pick and what would It's name be?

Thank you so much for reading, please vote of you thought it was worthy, comment, and follow both me and Brianna!


A/N: briannastyles17

HEY, any of you guys like Girls,Girls,Boys?


Sorry to excited? Yeah i know. :(

So how do you like the collaberation i think its amazing 5moreminutesmom does way better than me.

Thank you guys luv ya

(p.s want imagine check the rules and pm/dm one of us lo?)

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant