Homecoming Patrick Stump imagine #3

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Patrick Imagine for Ashley- Homecoming- Created by 5moreminutesmom

A/N: This is a personal imagine for @mspatrickstump!

'Oh my sweet potato pie I'm dying' I think as my friend Julia approaches a locker and slips the note in.

She scurries back to me and we go to class together, me looking back over my shoulder at the locker.Homecoming is two weeks away, and I had asked my friend, to put a note in my crush's locker asking him to homecoming.

There was no way on earth I could do it... The bell rings before I can see if he got it.Julia looks over at me on the way to class, and says, "Hey, Ash, chill. Whatever happens, it's going to be okay." I nod, trying to calm down,During my next class, French, I'm antsy. I can barely sit still, until the guy with the desk next to me says, "Hey, you okay?"I turn my head and look at him. Patrick Stump, one of my best friends.

He had brown-blonde hair in contrast to my crazy brown, and pale eyes of indeterminable color.

He was kind of quiet and only really showed off during choir and band.

He's gonna go places one day.He keeps staring at me, still looking for a response.

I nod. He cocks his head in a kind of a cute way and says, "You sure?""Yes. I'm fine, quit trying to be so helpful," I snap at him, and turn back to the teacher, who was droning on about something in French.

"Well... Sorry... If you want to talk, just ask me..."I groan internally. I can't win today. Even when I'm upset I can't be.

Curse you Patrick, and your innate desire to help people.I sulk for the rest of the week. He still hasn't replied to my note, and I'm not responding to rejection well.Starting to lose hope, I trudge down the hall when I am stopped by a girl I share a few classes with, but never really had a connection with.

"Ashley! You'll never guess what happened!" she says excitedly.I shrug, knowing that she would tell me anyway."Nick asked me to homecoming!"Those words hit me like a hammer.

Nick was the guy who I had asked to homecoming. If words were weapons, those five might as well have been a gun.

I keep the smile plastered on my face as I say, "That's great! Hope you guys have fun!" I speedwalk away, keeping my head down.I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. If I had been upset before, I was a wreck now.

I go through the day in a daze, not seeing or hearing anything. It's as if a blue fog and settled around me.

I can tell people catch on, but no one says anything.As I do my French homework that night, I feel my phone vibrate next to me.

I pick it up and see I have a text from Eric, a guy I met at a dance last year. Since he just said 'Hey,' I decide to respond casually, as I still have a but of a crush on him too, and now that Nick is out of the picture, I realize I now have a bunch more time for other stuff.

Eric: Hey

Ashley: Whats up

Eric: Nm. Just kinda bored really, so I thought Id text you

Ashley: Oh.My thumb hovers over the send button for a minute, and before I can change my mind, I add another part to the sentence.

Ashley: Oh. Would you happen to have a date to homecoming yet?I press send, and wait anxiously for a reply.

One minute passes. Then two.My phone vibrates again and I snap it up, only to feel my heart drop when I see it.

Eric: Sorry, I have a girlfriend.I feel tears prick my eyes.

Rejected by two different guys on the same day. What are the chances? As the first drop hits the page of my textbook, I know I just need to stop.I just lay there on my bed, letting the emotions consume me.

I stay like that, essentially comatose, until I hear something hit my window. I lift my head, confused. Another one.

I go and open the window, when another one whizzes by my ear and falls to the floor with a thud.

I look down and see a rock on the floor with a note taped to it. Picking it up, I open the note and read it.

'You see me everyday, but you've never noticed.

I have a secret.Meet me next to the column in front of the school on Homecoming night.'Who could this possibly be?

"'You see me everyday,'" I mutter, thinking to myself. I look towards my closet where my dress is.

A kneelength black dress with straps and a matching pair of heeled booties.

Shouldn't let a dress like that go to waste...

I walk into the school feeling like an idiot.

The longer I stand by the column, the more I feel like it's a setup.

It was probably Nick or Eric trying to trick me.

I lean against the column and take a deep breath.


I feel someone touch my shoulder. I turn around to see Patrick in a suit and tie, holding a corsage. "Hey," he began, nervously.

"So, uh this is a dance, y'know. I wanted to know if you wanted to, uh, dance.

"Patrick. Best friend since forever. Nerdy band and choir kid. Rock. Everything I looked over.

I nod and he smiles, looking down, making me do the same.

He holds out the corsage and I put out my hand, waiting as he puts it on.

"Hey Trick?" I ask before we head into the school.

"Yeah?" he asks, taking my hand."What was the secret you wrote about in the note?"

"This," he says before leaning forward and kissing me.

Sparks fly. I feel everything he felt, down to my bones.

Love.He pulls away after a few seconds and looks into my eyes. I smile and say, "Ready to go?"

(This is briannastyles17 Ready to go by: Panic At The Disco? sorry I had to)


A/N: THIS WAS ABSOLUTE CRAP I KNOW AND IT'S REALLY LATE BUT HUSH.I really have no explanation as to why this is so late or bad, other than busy and writer's block, and I feel really bad. Sorry, guys!

Also, I'm working on the Brendon imagine, but it will be a bit. I'll post messages on my wall about the progress of it, so I won't be leaving you in the total dark.

QUESTION TIME: What would you wear to your homecoming/prom/formal/thing?Please comment and vote if you thought it was worthy (probs wasn't). Don't forget to follow me and Brianna, and I will see you later! Doobyeeee

A/N from briannastyles17

guys I am so sorry I have not posted for a while I have had so much to do for school and I have had writers block. If you want anything written tell one of us thank ou for understanding

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang